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re: Daycare in Baton Rouge

Posted on 1/22/15 at 12:48 pm to
Posted by BugAC
St. George
Member since Oct 2007
55090 posts
Posted on 1/22/15 at 12:48 pm to

Did you try Kids Count?

It's on the list. We are bringing up the issue to the top, and if that fails, we have a list, thanks to you guys and some friends.

On the list to call is

Kids Count
Southside ELC
Country Day
1st United Methodist
and Possibly FCA

Thanks for the help guys.
This post was edited on 1/22/15 at 12:50 pm
Posted by bayoubengal225
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jan 2009
5307 posts
Posted on 1/22/15 at 12:50 pm to
Let me know if you need any more info. I know the owner pretty well and a lot of the staff.
Posted by Catman88
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Dec 2004
49125 posts
Posted on 1/22/15 at 1:00 pm to
Let us know the rates you get quoted. When my son was first in the nursery it was 185 a week 2 years ago. Somehow the cost has stayed the same over the past 2.8 years. Rate increases always seem to come at the same time your kid moved to the next level where you anticipate a price drop.

Also my best advice with a small child is to make sure the nursery is very big and no toddlers are ever allowed in there. The first daycare my son was in even though it was against their rules they would periodically have a toddler in there with a snotty nose and the room was very small.
This post was edited on 1/22/15 at 1:03 pm
Posted by Jackalope
Paris. (Austin Native)
Member since Apr 2009
2252 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 12:47 pm to

Listen here, hippy. Unless you have something constructive to add, stop trolling. Not all of us have the free time to protest and attend the Ferguson riots. So put on your "i can't breathe" t-shirt and go troll elsewhere.

Not a hippy, not a liberal. I'm a very traditionalist Catholic and right winger that understands it's pricks like you, who rather than raise their child correctly, pawn your children off to "the help". And you fail to provide a solid foundation of morals that your children will carry with them. It's my generation that has gone off and been led to socialism even though it was capitalism that gave them their high quality of life. Your need for more material possessions drives you to replace priority of family with a priority to work for more goodies. Shameful.
Posted by waynecedar30
Baton Rouge
Member since Sep 2007
628 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 1:05 pm to
Learning Center off Perkins is a joke! Stay as far away from that place.
Posted by mkibod1
South of the Donna Dixon Line
Member since Jan 2011
4744 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 1:09 pm to

He was born in September, and he was supposed to get in, in another daycare, but they pretty much screwed us over, and told us nothing is available until May. Problem is, we've been signed up since last February, and they told us that we had a spot to get in next month. So any good places out there. We live in South BR.

Haha Welcome to the "got screwed over" club. When my wife and I found out we were expecting, she was in her last year at LSU. Our daughter was due in February the next year, so in June the summer before we put our daughter on the waiting list at the LSU Child Care Center. Our daughter was first on the list for that spring semester. We never got in haha They use a sibling system which prioritizes siblings of current enrollees. They told us they even had to turn down another 9 siblings due to no room. Most places around here do this too. Child care in BR is a bitch. Good luck. St Aloysius and Country Day looked great, but we found an alternative. We ended up using my wifes TA's wife, who was fantastic with our daughter, and she has a degree in Early Childhood Development. I would gladly give you her contact information. They live real close to LSU. Email me <<<
This post was edited on 1/23/15 at 1:15 pm
Posted by omarlittle
Member since Mar 2011
1321 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 1:38 pm to

Learning Center off Perkins is a joke! Stay as far away from that place.

Care to share your experience here? We've signed our little one up, but he hasn't started yet.
Posted by Sir Drinksalot
Member since Aug 2005
16815 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 1:50 pm to
Any catholic school usually has a prek starting at 1 or 2.

Hours sometimes 7:30-3:30. Gotta call and check.

Also best care.

I would try Beth shalom first. They are AWESOME.
Posted by LSU1018
Baton Rouge
Member since Feb 2007
7296 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 1:58 pm to
I send my kid to Florida Blvd Baptist and I couldn't be happier. It's actually kind of out the way for me but they had such good reviews. My kid is two and I think it's 175 a week which was higher than a bunch but worth it IMO.
Posted by 40 Rouge
Red Stick
Member since Feb 2009
2701 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:04 pm to
I'm expecting in a few weeks, and have a few friends with babies on the way, so day care has been a common topic.

My wife and I looked at Early Learning Center, University United, LSU, Christian Life, Southside Development Center, and a few others located close to Southdowns. We had no chance at Alloysius due to the list and the acceptance parameters.

We're on the waiting list at ELC, and at LSU. We have a spot at Christian Life for sure until LSU opens up. LSU only takes in infants in the fall, so those spots are hard to come by. We got on the list very early and it's still iffy if we'll make it in this fall. ELC had about a 2-year list. Christian Life has some availability, I think.

Some coworkers use Kindercare by OLOL and like it a lot, but turnover seems to be an issue there, and reviews online are spotty.
Posted by CurDog
Member since Jan 2007
28108 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:05 pm to

I'm expecting in a few weeks, and have a few friends with babies on the way

Parkview also has a very good daycare. my oldest 2 went there until kindergarten and were more than ready for school
Posted by Tiger at Law
Baton Rouge
Member since May 2007
2999 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:12 pm to

Care to share your experience here? We've signed our little one up, but he hasn't started yet.


I have a kid there now and don't have any complaints.
Posted by CurDog
Member since Jan 2007
28108 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:18 pm to


did I read somewhere on here recently that you are engaged?

that pool should never give you problems again
Posted by LSU Piston
The 313
Member since Feb 2008
3844 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:21 pm to

Not a hippy, not a liberal. I'm a very traditionalist Catholic and right winger that understands it's pricks like you, who rather than raise their child correctly, pawn your children off to "the help". And you fail to provide a solid foundation of morals that your children will carry with them. It's my generation that has gone off and been led to socialism even though it was capitalism that gave them their high quality of life. Your need for more material possessions drives you to replace priority of family with a priority to work for more goodies. Shameful.

Your moral obligation is to get your nose out of other peoples business.
Posted by drunkenpunkin
Member since Dec 2011
7662 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:23 pm to
Yes, I am. The pool is a disaster. Looking for a new home at present.
Posted by blackmamba
Baton Rouge
Member since Jul 2011
765 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:23 pm to
I RA'd. Take that garbage elsewhere if you want to get a rise out of people. This man is trying to find a daycare for his child. GTFO
Posted by CurDog
Member since Jan 2007
28108 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:24 pm to

Looking for a new home at present


Posted by Head1
Member since Dec 2009
403 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:26 pm to

Learning Center off Perkins is a joke! Stay as far away from that place.

This x 1000.
Posted by DieSmilen
My Rubbermaid Desk
Member since Dec 2007
1757 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 2:31 pm to
We send our little 8 month old to Florida Blvd Baptist. The workers are great and while expensive worth the costs. They give us a sheet each day with a break down of all his naps, diapers (wet/poop), feedings, and if he did anything they think we should watch. As a previous person stated its $175.

For what its worth before we got him in Florida Blvd Baptist, we were on the waiting list at Beth Shalom and Broadmoor Presbyterian and would have been happy at either.
Posted by djangochained
Member since Jul 2013
19054 posts
Posted on 1/23/15 at 3:02 pm to
hey BUG

im currently in country day and we are pulling out bc we found a full-time Nanny, so there might be a spot open we can offer, im sure it would get me out of paying the 4 weeks till they find a replacement
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