Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Florence, TX
Number of Posts:5193
Registered on:10/17/2013
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LSU Sports.net says game tomorrow at 5PM...
I say that, but can W VA(3 seed)/Grand Canyon(4 seed) even submit a bid since LSU is a 2 seed? ...
Still TBD according to LSU Sports.net...

Win tomorrow = HOST a SUPER!!!

Posted by PurpleandGeauld on 6/2/24 at 8:38 pm
WoWWWWWWW :geauxtigers:...
[quote]12 citizen jurors decided Trump committed 34 felonies. Unanimously. The courtroom is not a Trump rally where lies and misinformation rule. He got due process and lost.[/quote]No the jurors were threatened with horrible slow deaths, and probably their families too. Fact....
[quote]Just freaking perfect. A lefty that likely soft tosses and has junk. DOOMED. Kryptonite to this bunch. Prepare yourselves for a southern Miss a typical Sunday in the SEC against a decent-mid-decent pitcher. Pray Holman goes 9[/quote]Wow you must be fun at parties......
[quote]Arizona and Dallas Baptist are really good teams, not to mention UNC.[/quote]Sure. But all the 1 and 2 seeds are going to be really good teams. The goal is a Natty. It always is for LSU Baseball. I think being paired with Arizona's region gives LSU one of the better opportunities to host a Su...
[quote]I hate to break it to you but it definitely is. Not that we can’t win, but it’s definitely tougher than what we played in the SEC tournament.[/quote]They aren't "definitely" better than Georgia, Kentucky, SC x 2, Tennessee. We lost to Tenn, by 1 run with a man in scoring position and 1 out, c...
North Carolina isn't any tougher than what we just faced in the SEC tourney, and if Arizona chokes (one of the weakest top 16), we get to host the Super. :geauxtigers:...
Stargate-SG1 fans will like the commercial though....
[quote]could play with the men. Nobody said this[/quote]Not going to search to confirm, but I seem to remember quite a few posts claiming she was better than Pistol Pete......
[quote]or could it be the flip between scheduling for UF and LSU?[/quote] Scheduling difficult teams, and beating them are 2 different things. LSU is 18-18 vs Q1 + Q2, Fla is 15-23 (also 2-2 vs Q3)....
[quote]Night Vision[/quote] Loser mentality......
[quote]Who did we pick up on defense?[/quote]Blake and Davis and Raymond...
One of the biggest metrics the committee uses is "how have you played lately." LSU is far and away better than the other 13 win SEC teams....

re: Give me your Top 5 SEC QBs

Posted by PurpleandGeauld on 5/13/24 at 8:16 pm
Dude, EVERY QB looked like a Heisman winner against LSU's defense last year. If you think Milroe was "awesome" against them, Daniels would have had 1,000 all-purpose yds against LSU's D....
Nuss Bus gonna take them down in the SECCG. :geauxtigers: ...
Gavin Newsome would be worse than Michael Obama I think....
[quote]Why did they do that? What should be the consequences?[/quote] [img]https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.dd9884fd0d7adfc2c32f7b4a9511aae9?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia1.tenor.com%2fimages%2fdd9884fd0d7adfc2c32f7b4a9511aae9%2ftenor.gif%3fitemid%3d14056052&ehk=t0YYDS%2fQfzWSufdlEw5YgA%2fpRw0j3r...
[quote]KCSunshine[/quote]Waaa Waaa Waaa :rolleyes:...