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Just get the multi pack of cards for each occasion that specifically hold money. I got a few packs of 8 graduation ones last night for $6 each. Always have extra on hand for the unexpected so we aren't scrambling at the store where they only have $8 cards left. :lol:...
Our niece is getting $100, our close friends' kids or kids we have a good relationship with $50, acquaintances/randos $20. ...
[quote]The hoa goes to the hill road which is private[/quote] How many other homes in this HOA? $360 a year doesn't seem nearly enough to cover any issues with a private road. We used to live in a gated neighborhood and one of the reasons we decided to get out was that we realized that the HOA was ...
From what I hear from contractors in my area, permits are still backlogged and it takes forever to get inspections to move projects forward quickly. ...
[quote]The ability to wink and nod about things like this, is likely as big a life lesson for a kid as anything else. [/quote] Totally. Our oldest 100% still believed in 5th grade and we didn't want her going into middle school because middle schoolers are straight up jerks and she is not one to ba...
[quote]... my son said "this was more fun when I still believed in the easter bunny... ... me and my wife got involved and say we are not playing along with the lies you are telling your kids.... blah blah blah[/quote] So it is okay for your kid to have this experience but the same experience bec...
I swear preschool pictures are marked up because the kids that age are so darn cute. Middle school? Eh. :lol: Those prices are outrageous though. I'm still pissed about the 4K picture prices from my youngest (who is now in second grade) and they were nowhere near that. Maybe in the $100 range for...
[quote]I don’t have any issue with the legalization of weed but that smell is awful.[/quote] Same. The smell actually makes me nauseated for a little bit if I'm around it longer than simply passing by. Must be something in the new strains because the old stuff never bothered me like that....
It's being shared in reseller groups online. A few have searches set up on the usual reseller sites in case it pops up. I doubt the Goodwill employee's story only because I'm surprised an item like that made it onto the floor instead of being sent to their online auction site. That's giving them ...
Because he's making it about her trust in him instead of recognizing that this might be simply be a reaction to a fear that came about from reading the groups. And having a toddler, stakes have never been higher for her when it comes to vulnerability from a bad marriage. And is there really a ne...
[quote]well, maybe the husband should try his best to get to the bottom of her trust issues - instead of just separating. I mean that seems to be the best thing if he really loves and cares about her[/quote] Exactly. He could have taken this opportunity to strengthen his marriage by addressing her ...
[quote]They fill up the garage and they park one or both cars in the driveway or the street [/quote] Exactly. And usually within ten years there are cars parked everywhere on both sides of the streets because the kids who moved in when they were young eventually grow up and start driving and there...
[quote]Look at most of the new construction and the lack of storage space. Almost seems planned. [/quote] This. They build these houses with no storage. They use preassembled trusses that means the attic shouldn't be used for storage. Basements aren't common in my area. They put in front load gar...

re: 3% Credit Card Fee

Posted by Benne Wafer on 2/3/24 at 2:24 pm
[quote]Imagine charging 3% more to access a substantial amount of potential customers. Businesses around the world found a way to make ends meet and then some for decades without the fees, but now they’re required to survive? It’s a lazy cash grab under the woe is me umbrella.[/quote] This is what ...
I believe it. Early in our marriage, we tended to get our stuff at Ikea because we didn't want to spend a lot of money on things while we had small kids. We knew exactly what we were getting and had no expectations of heirloom quality pieces that would last for decades. My mother in law would make c...
It said in the article that they were scheduling 15 minute meeting blocks where other coworkers were being let go. She had 10 minute warning she was probably one of them....
[quote]She had zero sales? No wonder she got fired.[/quote] This. I don't doubt that she was putting in work, perhaps feeling like she is working harder than others but in sales it simply boils down to how much you bring in sales. Not everyone is suited for sales. Her manager should have been givin...

re: Best new dishwasher

Posted by Benne Wafer on 1/6/24 at 11:44 pm
We've had this one over a year and we still love it....
I've always thought that Pepsi was cheaper than Coke products. Interesting. We have a gas station here that only sells Pepsi products. Threw me off because I can't recall ever going to one in my life that didn't have both Coke and Pepsi products....
[quote]Right after Christmas is the best time to shop for a tree. That’s when you will get the biggest discounts [/quote] If you aren't picky about trees. Most of the ones available in stores after Christmas are the low end ones and very few are 9 feet and higher (if that is what you need). If...