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Registered on:1/20/2004
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[quote] It’s a proven fact that governments around the world have the ability to wreck havoc on mother nature’s weather patterns. Everytime this happens they blame it on Climate Change BINGO[/quote]Oh, c'mon, I'm sure this treaty was signed because the technology WASN'T available in the 19...
It scares the shite out of me every time I scroll past it. Tia...
:cheers: Don't post much anymore. Finally had enough of the poliboard. :lol:...
[quote]Use the billions of African funding/aid[/quote]It isn't funding/aid. It's bribery. We have to bribe them (and all the other countries we "aid") so that they'll continue to use U.S. dollars and thus give it value. These are the hoops we have to jump through because of our fiat currency. ...
[quote]We need Taylor to come out of this slump[/quote]Slump buster? [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952ujjwkwpaw3lgkyec5pxucfp3n8j3pmq0br0ikvp0&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
As a catcher, she probably saw the same pitch called a ball on the Florida batter....
[quote]He should be at least suspended for an entire weekend series. Complete dick move and there really isn’t any defending him. [/quote]Roid rage....
She's staunch in her beliefs, no matter how wrong she is....
Well said. :cheers: I've never been a fan of KM, couldn't stand her when she was at Baylor. But these latest attempts to smear her are what gives journalism a bad name. It's no wonder the general disdain for today's media....

re: Dr. Mary’s Monkey

Posted by TX Tiger on 3/31/24 at 9:09 pm
Excellent read. Aside from the Oswald stuff, which BTW isn't even the crux of the book, it makes one wonder if cancer is indeed too big to fail....
[quote]Or Kim made them redact all their dumb arse excessive bullshite flare from the article. [/quote]Then why run it at all if not for the reasons I outlined....
Am I the only one who believes this weak-arse "hit piece" was nothing more than a troll job by the network to drum up attention for the tournament? I mean, we're talking about a lot of dollars at stake here. Nothing like a little free advertisement to get people talking (and more importantly - watchi...
Sadly, women’s basketball has become like men’s basketball…unwatchable....
[quote]This game has to be fixed.[/quote] Could it be any more obvious?...
[quote]No one knows why they hate Trump.[/quote] Trump is a Deep State plant just like the rest of them. What more do you need to know? This debate over which Deep State puppet is the lesser of two evils is pointless other than it’s entertainment value. It also illustrates why nothing ever chang...

re: Is the softball game delayed?

Posted by TX Tiger on 3/2/24 at 7:21 pm
Getting the clutch hits they didn't get last year. :geauxtigers:...
[quote]Dude lost his desire to play[/quote] :rotflmao: Sure he did. That's why he went and played baseball while serving a suspension because he couldn't stop gambling. May have even had his father killed because of it. But yes, you could certainly argue that he was the greatest basketball pla...