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re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Plx1776 on 5/9/24 at 9:23 pm
Israel just suffered a brutal terrorist attack. A few of their citizens were kidnapped and are most likely being tortured as we speak.. those that are still alive anyway. Israel is trying to wipe out Hamas. Why is it our business to demand they stop trying to wipe out Hamas? Especially ...
It's the audacity that is appalling. The audacity to "speak for black and brown people " like one would for abused animals, endangered species or the polluted oceans. White leftists truly view black and brown people as something that is subhuman. It's almost akin to the slave owners of the...
Someone needs to ask that dick why it's only Republicans who compromise. Democrats don't compromise on anything. They rely on msm and Republicans like Paul Ryan to brow beat other Republicans into doing what they want. ...
The virus that was discovered right outside a virus research lab..... came from the virus research lab? The hell you say? It wasn't covered up to protect China. It was covered up to protect the American groups and people who invested in that lab. To China, it was like a free gift that fell ...
Black privilege. 52 arrests. And was still free. There were j6ers who were eventually charged with a misdemeanor, it was the only arrest on their record.... and they were imprisoned for years just waiting for a charge and trial. ...
Eventually the only people who will be left in Ukraine...are the Ukrainian elites and the prisoners who killed 2 or more people. ...
Because trump brought it up. Therefore it was considered snake oil. Anything trump brings up is instantly dismissed. They will bring out a ton of alleged experts to dismiss whatever trump says. Our population is very dumb, and if the government or msm trot out an "expert", the majorit...

re: Stormy testimony yesterday

Posted by Plx1776 on 5/8/24 at 4:18 pm
Jenna is a legend in that industry. I'd pick jenna over stormy 10 out of 10 times. ...
Thank God black people have mighty and noble white Democrats to show them the way. As a show of thanks to their great white saviors.. most black people in NY will continue to vote Democrat. Listening to white Democrats talk, you'd think that all black people are from obscure African trib...
She'll get a black spokesman to come out and agree with that sentiment. That's the gimmick of Democrats, for several decades. Use black spokesmen to convince the black population how great Democrats are. Spokesmen seem very important to the black community. It's why X and mlk were ...
It's gonna be an establishment Republican as vp. I hope it isn't...but it will be, imo. I've said multiple times that I'd very much prefer Tulsi over an establishment Republican. We know where tulsi stands, she is opposed to trump on a lot of policies. We know what to expect. Establi...
Yeah...but your thread title is that he's currently demanding we send troops in to fight Russia right now. ...
We'd claim that Mexico or Canada doesn't have democracy...and we must overthrow their current government...and free the poor Mexican or Canadian citizens. Countless dumbasses would clamor about how we need to free those poor people. ...
Yep. Msm rags would post the numbers and addresses of electors. So during that brief window, they were getting harassed, threatened with death, etc. And law enforcement didn't do shite about it. Was insane how every authoritative lever in our government turned a blind eye and silently agree...
I'm fine with not supporting either side. But this move feels more like we're only doing it because we support Gaza. ...
Meh. Was never high on noem. Those who are fervent noam supporters, are too clouded by "iwhi". Iwhi, but wouldn't support her selection at vp if that happened. ...
Lmao. It's always hilarious when I can easily spot someone who only reads msm headlines and believes them to be absolutely true. ...
I believe they should convert to Islam...and then start praying in their local mosque. ...
Hell. Biden had two aneurisms...one on camera.. and media acted like it was no big deal. They hammered into us that trump was seriously unhealthy, though, because he ate fast food. ...
Haiti also has some insanely beautiful areas. Wouldn't want to live there either. ...