Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:1078
Registered on:8/20/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Conservative media was relentless in maligning Obama thru 8years of scandal-free peace and prosperity…[/quote] OMG is that funny. MOHAP. Oh and the Clintons? What's the body count up to now? Well over 200 if you count the Murrah building in OKC where the goods on the Clintons investigati...
Once called a pedo, he ran for the hills. So ????...
[quote]What's this "turning the frogs gay" shite?[/quote] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRhSt11geFM)]Gay Frogs[/link] That's all you need to know....
I knew I must have missed something. From the OP the word crime was used. Here's the quote: [quote]Under Russian criminal law, participating in or financing an extremist organization is punishable by up to 12 years in prison.[/quote] So he's identified the LBGT "movement" of being guilty of bei...
[quote]What’s so confusing. He says it’s a crime and a sin for a guy to stick his dick in anything other than a vagina and for women their vagina should only be pleased by a man. That’s as simple as you can say it[/quote] No, that's as perverse as you can portray it. He essentially said we do not...
Keep preachin', the world is watching. :cool: ...
...never went in search to hang the VP? What other BS proclamations you have that NO ONE else has made. Since you're completely making chit up, Ima call you a conconchilddidler from now on. That sounds fair, right?...
[quote]Clarence Thomas agrees with me more than he agrees with you.[/quote] I forgot about this smack talk. My response is "on what". Smack talk? I'd agree with you and so would he. Let's see your portfolio on guns, abortion, taxes, education requirements, and foreign wars/meddling; we are all p...
I like what SHS has done for the movement, but I think the vice for the upcoming election might be more important than ever. Perhaps more than Tim Scott, not sure of his knowledge of national security. It's going to be important for the new VP to be capable of carrying the torch of a huge change in ...
Fair enough. I'm not going to back that page 1 narrative either. This is merely a message board where noisy people like to get noisy. That means we don't represent the average Trump fan or Trump hater. It's politics, and most normal people that might have an opinion don't have the stomach for it. F...
From a toddler: I don't care whether he shows support or not. Ron's not a bad politician. He's got value, but he's also not necessary. This is all narrative nonsense. If you want to wring your hands over it, have at it. I don't think it matters for Trump. It might matter for DeSantis, and I'm ro...
Now you tell me, who is the triggered one? :confused:...
I'm sure he's clutching his pearls. :cheers: ...
Thanks for the assist, mate. but yeah, I'm aware of the persona. I'm just having a lil' fun on Memorial Day. These creeps make a living on raining on other people's parades, so I like to give back. :lol: ...
I am programmed to hate HHTM, but HHTM is based on public schools and funding. Noted. Spreadsheet updated. :gigem (wtf no thumbs up emoticon?)...
Have you looked at your post count lately? 72735 times you couldn't convince anyone to think like yourself. Something to consider. Oh, and the last time I made a sock account, it was to make a stupid joke about Coach Mangino and donuts on another website, wut 12 years ago? Good try, but I'm just ...
retardation emotional projecting loser retarded 13 yo migetalism This is your dictionary. Congrats, you might pass 3rd grade in Murica and you'd be flogged in South Korea....
So you're telling me I'm not very good at this while using the Ron White (bubba comedian) tactic on a debate. "F U". And you think you won. :rotflmao:...
Alter account? You got like 3 to 5 posts from me responding to you, ALL TIME since I started in 2018. I get it you post about 100 times per week so any blowback must be an alter. Too funny!...
[quote]The reason you come across as emotional is you type out a bunch of words that make no sense. Unless you're retarded, the best explanation for posting nonsense is the poster is being overly emotional.[/quote] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s3PB44paCI)]Whatever it is I typed, it app...