Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
Number of Posts:27432
Registered on:1/2/2019
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[quote]Bill Maher on Gutfeld NOW…[/quote] [quote]Enjoy.[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952s0gbvtq0yzw7tcitk6lzikg60f8u4aqr5wipu2ef&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[embed]https://x.com/NoCapFights/status/1792576099601248259[/embed] I'm getting Fred Sanford vibes on this ole baw! :lol:...
[quote]DC to Allow Non-Citizens, to include ILLEGAL Aliens, to vote in elections[/quote] What did you think the endgame was?...
Was this before or after he floated a fat fart into the room?...
[quote]Jonathan Goldman @akjakalope see Great Replacement Theory is trending so let's be clear: Yes. If you're a racist POS we want to replace you with decent humans who value love and tolerance. This was litigated during the Civil War and WWII but it looks like th 226 you dumb fricks wanna go best o...

re: Woke LSU Professors Exposed

Posted by NPComb on 5/20/24 at 9:51 pm
[quote] took a few of Dr. Finley’s classes when I was at LSU and he was one of my favorite professors fwiw. He’s a good guy.[/quote] [img]https://backend.professorwatchlist.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Copy-of-PWL-Quote-Template-2022-03-30T171316.819-e1648685618784-1200x291.png[/img] [img]ht...

re: Woke LSU Professors Exposed

Posted by NPComb on 5/20/24 at 9:36 pm
Peter Strozk is now a professor at Georgetown. :wtf: Wholly frick... John Brennan is an advisor at UT-Austin :wha: ...
[quote]Right now, we are getting our teeth kicked in and hands tied behind our backs.[/quote] Conservatives stacking up L's in unprecedented numbers. RINOS and lukewarm republican's are doing nothing to stop the onslaught. ...
Don't worry friend. The new muslim population will take care of you in your golden years. :usa:...
[img]https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.ticketmaster.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fstanley-cup-winners.png&sp=1716239484Tb57cebf9d01f9bd31dedf6fa4d7f6fc70ea2a61eed1b20f907b6ba790a22699c[/img] ETA: Obligatory [img]https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piu...
[quote]WeaponizedApe[/quote] 1 post [quote]I know old thread, [/quote] :lol:...

re: 2015 Ashley Madison hack, exposed info

Posted by NPComb on 5/20/24 at 12:08 pm
[quote]He never knew my sister was aware he had a son from his longtime sidepiece. His son looks just like him. [/quote] Was she a maid? [img]https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi2-prod.mirror.co.uk%2Fincoming%2Farticle6735704.ece%2FALTERNATES%2Fs1200b%2FRay-Santiago.j...

re: 2015 Ashley Madison hack, exposed info

Posted by NPComb on 5/20/24 at 12:03 pm
[quote]IIRC there were several prominent posters (at the time) that were on that list. [/quote] C'mon brah. Spill it...

re: Let's Run There...Jeremy Renner

Posted by NPComb on 5/20/24 at 11:56 am
[quote] "I run 12 miles per day" But why? You are fit already and not training for war. Why do you want to destroy your knees? Same goes for the crossfit crowd. Bro you work an office job and have 3 kids. Why you out here flipping tractor tires?[/quote] As a functional person, I mostly agree...
[img]https://i.ibb.co/LgGqnCg/Screen-Shot-2024-05-20-at-11-49-13-AM.png[/img] Legit WYHI...
[quote]What's her bull look like? Bet I already know.[/quote] He is white and has filthy fingernails. Her hubby also has manicured nails but they are clean. I would bet the farm he sports a man-bun....
It doesn't matter. 80% of blacks will blindly pull the lever on any Democrat candidate over a Republican. It's been ingrained in them....
I am 100% voting for Trump but I don't agree with every policy and decision. I support RFK holding both Fauci and the former President accountable: The following are areas I disagree with my beloved GEOTUS: - The Omnibus. He was schooled and bullied by Schumer, Nancy, P Ryan, etc... to sell ...
[quote]Don't bail them out when it goes belly up as the market shifts.[/quote] A quick peak into the portfolio of congressman and senators on both sides will tell you that we won't have any say on what is "too big too fail" and what's not. You of all people should know better. The only chan...

re: Lifetime Total $ Spent on Amazon

Posted by NPComb on 5/19/24 at 11:21 pm
$99,945.31 :wah:...