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re: Turf Baseball Fields

Posted by Murph4HOF on 6/3/24 at 8:59 pm
[quote]Vitello rather have turf fields than natural.[/quote][img]https://y.yarn.co/2c7009ba-4bae-4382-ae64-b542e6445074_text.gif[/img]...

re: Lsu has the ugliest uniforms.

Posted by Murph4HOF on 6/3/24 at 8:12 pm
[quote]Yellow is the color of cowardice.[/quote]That sissy French blood....
[quote]That crabtree play is such bullshite[/quote]The kick off from the 7 yard line after the penalties :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
[quote]That is one of my worst. [/quote]It was a great game. Both teams undefeated going into it and I remember how electric the crowd was in Lubbock. It was good to watch a competitive game between two highly ranked teams after sitting thru an arse beating from Florida in Jacksonville. ...
2008 Texas vs. Texas Tech for me. [embed]https://youtu.be/VUBvkNVrylA?feature=shared[/embed] The Texas/Southern Cal Rose Bowl would be there too, but I was flying and didn't see it live. ...
This is Big Game Boomer level bad....
[quote]Gaylord [/quote][img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/rcp6tc4SpUcAAAAC/giggling-butt-head.gif[/img]...
[quote]I’m ready for Twitter/x to go the way of the dodo bird.[/quote]As much as you RA people, this doesn't shock me. ...
[quote]Definitely a better uniform matchup[/quote][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/xFOcBLqMx2Mh07wrar/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vgwlhexzo34jizwvtk4n4mj90fujqwzdqruc741l&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Clesi Crochet[/quote]Would eat that shitter like an apple fritter....

re: Happy Pride Month yall!

Posted by Murph4HOF on 6/2/24 at 1:26 pm
You could and should have used literally anyone other than MetroJoe [img]https://realusajacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Cincinnati-Bengals-Joe-Burrow-Jacket.webp[/img]...
[quote]We were one play from ruining your day with us. Just as were against Baja.[/quote]All those voodoo doll curses just to make it to the Rose Bowl in 2013 and lose to Free Shoes had to be paid. ...
[quote]That's funny. I don't recall being a democracy[/quote]SaturdayNAthens didn't get good schoolin' before he dropped out of Macon Central Middle School. ...
Normally I'd say RatRodDawg, I mean JetDawg, but SaturdayNAthens has been a real bitch lately. ...
He trying to be Napier's S&C coach somewhere in the Sunbelt next szn?...
Stetsons are Bama's kryptonite. [img]https://www.gpb.org/sites/default/files/2022-01/ap22011189176685.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Clemson is as much SEC as Mizzou. Watched and partied with them as they played Georgia while at Myrtle Beach 2013 Labor Day weekend[/quote]How did your boyfriend enjoy that trip?...
[quote]frick Clemson[/quote]...
[quote]Besides, you guys were only 4th and 30 yards away from beating Alabama. Silly me![/quote]A Vawl talking shite to the Barn about losing to Alabama is rich. [img]https://i.ibb.co/fDw7Kg0/Screenshot-20240601-135431-Brave.jpg[/img]...
[quote]oft hushed up fact of the matter is that a business degree at Tech is not only one of the best in the nation[/quote]One of my best friends is a Tech Business grad. 39 and already a Vice President of a very lucrative sector in his company, which isn't a small one. I mean we talk shite r...