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[quote]No matter if the outcome is "guilty", this is going to get over turned.[/quote] What I've been saying all along. It should have never made it past the pre-trial motions....
[quote] Absolutely hilarious the morons on here have issue with PSLF student loans being forgiven, but if a fat frick that doesn't take care himself has a heart attack or stroke that could have been prevented by simple exercise, they shouldn't have to pay back the thousands in medical bills they rac...
[quote]I wish he’d get cancer and die[/quote] Nah. It would take too long that way....
[quote]At this point this point I would be ok with Free health care[/quote] Well, me too. I'd also be o.k. with a unicorn that shits Skittles. But neither of those things exists outside of a fantasy. Nothing is free. [quote]A. Stop sending billions of dollars to foreign countries[/quote] ...
[quote]anything serious is generally transported to a larger, better equipped hospital.[/quote] Nope. Anything serious in a situation[u] in which the patient is stable enough to survive the trip[/u] gets transported to a larger hospital (and as you pointed out, at great expense). If it took...
[quote]Well, y’all are dropping the mask.[/quote] I don't know what mask you thought anyone was wearing. Both conservatives and populists on the right have always rejected the ridiculous liberal idea that "diversity" is necessarily a good thing and when you're talking about immigrants—legal ...
[quote]Nope, That’s definitely racist.[/quote] What race is she claiming is inferior?...
[quote]Might be the only thing this old wet fart has done right in four years. Israel has a just cause, and can fight their fight without a forcing some poor guy working three jobs in Shreveport to add hours to his schedule.[/quote] frick off with that parroted Huckster Carlson populist bullshite. ...
[quote]The solution is reducing costs. You can get similar care in other countries for far less money.[/quote] You can get labor for far less money too. That's because different economies are calibrated at different levels relative to the American dollar. That's just one reason for the differ...
[quote]I like how you think these things are so mutually exclusive[/quote] They are in the context of the original discussion. If medical debt alone hurt your credit score your credit would take a hit whether you were paying it back or not just due to it being on the books....
[quote]But most people aren't aware of that[/quote] Maybe where you are. Where I am pretty much everybody knows that....
[quote] “Doctors and nurses shouldn’t be paid for their excessive cost of labor”.[/quote] "I get to tell someone else what their services are worth." FIF[u]Y[/u]....
[quote]Here is your chance to name a more conservative president since WWII? And dont start with Reagan. He broke the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years. And stuck us with some pretty shitty justices[/quote] Reagan [u]absolutely[/u] was more conservative than Trump. Governance doesn't just de...
[quote]Crazy to think about.[/quote] Really crazy. Especially since he's not a conservative....
[quote]I believe all sorts of nutty, crazy conspiracies.[/quote] The question is why this is so.* Without re-hashing a previous thread in its entirety, I believe it's a difference in philosophy. For example, I don't default to believing a conspiracy theory and have to have it debunked befor...
[quote]1. He will continue the Ukraine War 2. There will be no mass deportation. 3. He will slow the illegal crossings. 4. He will slow the climate change insanity. 5. He will do nothing to improve our hopeless fiscal situation.[/quote] I think that's a good start to a reasonable prediction. ...
[quote]Coulter is a weirdo[/quote] While true, it doesn't negate what she's saying. I think she has a point....
[quote]Oh, here we go. It's her fricking fault for not leaving... Lock the attorney up with this piece of shite.[/quote] Agreed....
[quote]I grew up in a trailer early in life. I was a happy kid and never went hungry and was safe with loving parents. I wouldn’t call that comfort living, but surely it would be for some[/quote] Yeah, I think that's the takeaway. What's considered "comfortable" is subjective....
[quote]The numbers in the OP all scream upper middle class, which “comfort” loving seems to be a perfect tie in[/quote] Yeah, it's all about the definition of "comfortable." I would have said my family was "comfortable" growing up, which to me means that we didn't lack for any necessities. I ...