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Location:LA....no, the other one
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Registered on:5/19/2020
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According to AOC, Trump is held captive in the 5 boroughs. Kathy Hochul might want to consult before saying Trump is holding a clown show in The Bronx. Trump is making lemonade out of lemons it would seem....
But if a person displays that flag at a beach whilst on vacation, some random cuck dad will make a scathing TikTok video saying he knows what country he’s in!...
[quote]I can tell you how this will play out. People will simply avoid black doctors. They will insist on white, Indian or East Asian.[/quote] And then those people will be called racists. And the doctors who fail on the job will blame the system. ...
Until this sham is over with, Trump really should hold rotating campaign rallies at JFK, LaGuardia, and (if he can get away with it) Newark. Set up in the high foot traffic areas and spend a few hours. Got to beat them at their own game. ...
And that's just a stepping stone to where they really want to go. It's almost like they're trying to crash the economy....
[quote]It can't wait to see the suicide rates for straights under those conditions, because trannies have a 41% chance of attempting suicide currently.[/quote] Thanks for clearing that up for me. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/1LmBFphV4XNSw/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952bj4wsbelldoov0nhhzhmr1kgv8sj...
This person actually believes that 41% of the population is trans. In reality, not just tic tok. :loony:...
That’s about the age I start looking at when I’m buying. lol. Nobody wants the high prices. I personally don’t want too many bells and whistles that raise the maintenance costs. Then again, I have driving age kids. ...
I’m guessing the makeshift wall is to hold her up. Reminded me of this oldie but goodie: [img]https://media.tenor.com/RytFntU90d4AAAAM/lean-how-to-shot-your-gun.gif[/img]...
[quote]Sounds like the universities would have the ability to lower tuition to attract more students. Let me know when that happens[/quote] The way I interpret the text of the OP is, it will happen when/if they lose too many students over the course of time. There’s no guarantee they will low...
[quote]Hughes’ bill would not allow university systems to raise fees and differential tuition more than 10% every two years. [b]It also allows schools to lower tuition and fees without limits[/b]. The ability to lower tuition has been sought for some high-demand fields such as teaching.[/quote] Sou...

re: DJT is not Hitler, people!

Posted by NineLineBind on 5/21/24 at 1:14 pm
[quote]Nero[/quote] He’s in the White House now. [quote]Barnum[/quote] He was in the White House before Trump. ...

re: DJT incited many erections

Posted by NineLineBind on 5/20/24 at 9:05 pm
For some, he did. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/534009749385136733/A777B2FFB431A363A5AC56E5563DAC3BC81208D4/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img]...
[quote]They created a state on land where someone else was living.[/quote] Why didn't they go scorched earth and carpet bomb those they kicked out starting from the beginning of their state? THAT would have been ethnic cleansing. You're arguing a different point than I am....
[quote]When you engage in ethnic cleansing, you're going to draw the ire of the ICC Why are we ignoring that they also did the same for Hamas's leaders?[/quote] I guess that comes down to the definition of ethnic cleansing. Most people don't believe it's ethnic cleansing to punch back at the gr...
[quote]This is based on the Rome treaty.[/quote] Rome statute (not treaty) was established around the turn of this century. Clinton/Bush era stuff. Not exactly the League of Nations. [quote]It's primarily been used for African warlords and Serbians.[/quote] So, these people are equating Netanya...

re: What is uncle Joe doing here?

Posted by NineLineBind on 5/19/24 at 5:01 pm
He’s trying to see what the teleprompter’s directions are. ...

re: # needs more handouts

Posted by NineLineBind on 5/19/24 at 5:00 pm
Rochester isn’t good enough. She wants a 9000 square foot pad in Brentwood. ...
[quote]Nobody wakes up and says to their family, who wants to visit Texas? Great state, great jobs, big companies, great culture, but zero fricking tourism. If you’re in Texas, you live there. And I’m sure most Texans like it that way and agree[/quote] Not sure about it being zero. Plenty of peopl...