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Registered on:10/24/2020
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If women can't breastfeed, believe it or not, raw donkey milk is very similar to human breastmilk. If you van find a herd share with donkeys. ...
[quote]K... quote: Yeah, that's neat, but you're just describing a sliding scale of morality.[/quote] Murdering innocent life is immoral. Death row inmates or men engaged on a battlefield are not innocent. Killing in these situations can be moral. It's not that complicated. You don't ha...
[quote]"A human life is either a human life or it is not."[/quote] Correct. And we should protect "innocent" human lives at all costs. At minimum, we shouldn't celebrate or promote destroying innocent human life. This is also why we have severe consequences for people who murder innocent peop...
[quote]Do you oppose the death penalty and find it to be evil? Do you oppose all war and find it to be evil? Do you oppose self-defense and find it to be evil? Do you oppose self-sacrifice and find it to be evil?[/quote] Again. There is such a thing as nuance. We do not need to be slaves to these...
[quote]Are you against all medical procedures, or just the stuff you don't like?[/quote] Of course not. Some medical procedures can be good. And some are inherently evil. This is not the gotcha you want it to be. Some mushrooms are good to ear, Some are poisonous. We have these things called ...
[quote]How so?[/quote] You said any technology humans can conjure or create is A-OK with God, because God provided the tools and materials to create this technology. I think you are missing the entire point if that is what you believe. [quote]So is God not all-powerful or is he a masochist tha...
[quote]if god didn’t want humans to use technology to create life where said creation was not previously possible, why are we intelligent enough to develop those methods?[/quote] Weird logic. I suppose you have never heard of the tower of Babel? We are intelligent enough to develop many things...
[quote]It's amazing that there are still people who believe this in 2024...[/quote] If creating human beings in a lab and then freezing and discarding the same human beings isn't evil, then what is? ...
[quote]"When that last transfer took place, we had no more frozen embryos," [/quote] Does anyone else find this practice abhorrent? Freezing your children like lab rats. IVF and surrogacy is evil. Women need to stop being career women and damaging their bodies with birth control, waiting unti...
[quote]Yes they do know where they are going. There are videos of the migrants being asked (in Mexico) where they are going and each would say which city and state. They have the system set up to facilitate them prior to arrival at the border.[/quote] More likely is they all go to these holding f...
[quote]and they all think they are 'right' - but they have no idea they will be the first ones to be eliminated once the need for 'useful idiots' has been fulfilled. They are worthless for anything but exacerbating 'the revolution'[/quote] Tarzana thinks she will be protected and cared for by her...
[quote]Seems to me that he cannot do that and SCOTUS would immediately shoot it down[/quote] Won't have enough time to shoot it down. SCOTUS said he can't forgive loans, and yet he still did. Who would stop this administration from declaring this?...
[quote]you mean like J6? Keyboard warriors will bitch but do nothing[/quote] There's nothing to do. We already lost. We have no institutional power anywhere. There is no unified or organizational means to even attempt to resists, because all the organizations have either been captured, banned,...
[quote]What’s the point of starting threads on the most hyperbolic speculation possible? There’s plenty of legit ridiculous stuff to bitch about without making up fear porn[/quote] It's not fear porn. I'm not sure how this isn't obvious to everyone. I was being called a loon and chicken little in...
[quote]And start a civil war?[/quote] Nope. They've already game theoried this out. They got away with 2020, with nothing more than a minor protest on one day, and have made sure that won't happen again. The 2020 electric Boogaloo is going to be mass Amnesty for illegals. This should be extre...
And Mark Elias has hundreds of lawsuits teed up already to ensure all states allow illegals on ballots immediately. Soros affiliated NGOs then have millions of illegals already teed up with ballots already filled out. The dipshit Republicans and their reactionary legal team will not be able t...
Lol at anyone holding out hope for Blexit to save us...
[quote]I guess not everyone is living in a world of victimhood.[/quote] Because I don't want my kids to be indoctrinated by leftist groomer weirdos? That makes me a victim?...
The YMCA summer camp website is littered with DEI and inclusivity junk. Is this just standard boilerplate stuff that every organization has, or is YMCA woke and filled with liberals? Would you send your kid to one of these camps? The Y owns a beautiful camp/ranch property near us, that kids ha...
There is some real demonic witch energy going on there. These women have been lied to and sold the poison of feminism., and turned from their nature. They need to reject feminism and all this new age spiritual guru, witchy bullshite, and the lies of the modern world, stop eating junk food, get i...