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Registered on:3/29/2021
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I prefer this video... [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYVvmMrfdF8[/embed]...

re: Green 1st base

Posted by Woodlands Tigah on 5/21/24 at 12:48 pm
They should chalk a circle around the pitchers mound! ...
[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/7cdea93d0848355f2b3f43820bd10e20/f3f1faf32449f313-13/s540x810/81d6a0c87dd2095eb98d262d8513a41fdc3b93f4.jpg[/img] [quote]All jug band?[/quote] Dem thair is the Hee Haw Honeys... [img]https://www.cowboysindians.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/HeeHawHoneys.jpeg[...
[quote]Look how white those hands are.[/quote] She's from Minneapolis... [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/ZfdwEh55ZOJpQsdW6DSsxhaBEBW00mrXohdUy6v-C-s/rs:fit:500:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cDovL3N0YWN5/YW5uYnJvb2tzLmNv/bS9pbWFnZXMvc3Rh/Y3ktMjAyNC5qcGc[/img]...
It's a good arrest. The golfer was over the 14 club limit! [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/6147a9a0f8f309f36912a5169a0da107/8af044352156bad4-50/s640x960/ec5f9940607c14c9738399bc5a62695c379fc9ca.jpg[/img]...
Apparently this same maneuver was tried on Scottie Scheffler this morning! :lol: [img]https://i.imgur.com/8WNsEmz.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]The cop deserves a medal.[/quote] And the a-hole on the 4 wheeler deserves to go to jail. He he should also have to pay for any and all damages to the cop car...
[img]https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/112/372/741/428/809/949/original/210579ddcfe1d47d.jpg[/img] [quote]I'm going to say this is a bogus reproduction. B-17s were still being used by Uncle Sam in 1947.[/quote] Nope it's real. They were s...

re: Trip to Vietnam

Posted by Woodlands Tigah on 5/2/24 at 12:48 pm
[quote]since most of you haven't been to VN, I'm asking you guys what you want to me to cover[/quote] Try and find "Sucky, Sucky for 5 dolla"!...
Bring them Ham Sandwiches and pork rinds....
[quote]melting to death in liquid hot magma[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/G3tzOUuaz34AAAAC/magma-austinpowers.gif[/img]...
Friend of mine (oilfield salesman) was on his fourth wife and she found out he was cheating on her. After a weekend of entertaining clients, he gets home late one night, and as soon as he walks thru the door, she shoots him in the gut with a .22. She claims it was an accident and told the cops s...
Looks like Amber was looking for the BBC... [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/X7vJEwP5_lPEx8xWZYgH7yOshZh5oGI0m6L-8ksF84M/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLmRh/aWx5bWFpbC5jby51/ay8xcy8yMDI0LzAy/LzIwLzE5LzgxNTAx/NzY5LTEzMTA1NDkz/LWltYWdlLW0tNDFf/MTcwODQ1ODY5Njc4/MC5qcGc[/img]...
[quote]Would be a gut punch for the SEC to lose all those championship banners A&M has brought to the table.[/quote] The loss of the Meat Judging Natty would be devastating to the SEC! :lol: [img]https://agrilifetoday.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/IMG_2976.jpg[/img] :rotflmao:...
[quote]I'll be the one to ask...I don't get the wheel of fortune one?[/quote] The answer is "Naggers"!...
[quote]LSUFanHouston[/quote] [quote]Beer of choice[/quote] Probably Blue Moon...
A blast from the past... [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMBBbMN0Nl8[/embed]...
Is #3 Buddy Hackett in drag? :lol: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/MGHBD837/FB-IMG-1713079120153.jpg[/img]...