Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:353
Registered on:11/7/2021
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[quote]Borders: corporations want cheap labor and more fatties to feed. Trump wants controlled and legal immigration. Trade: corporations want free markets into the U.S. so they can sell their cheap goods into America unincumbered using Asian slave labor. Trump would rather tariff those goods to pa...
[quote]As you go through the acts Trump and Trump Corp. took there is not one act that is illegal. NOT A SINGLE ONE. [/quote] I remind you that no one innocent has ever been convicted in a court of law…EVER!...
[quote]The Jury & Still Has Not Named What Crime Trump Covered Up[/quote] SFP knows...
[quote]Virtue signaling at its finest [/quote] Something you'd know about....
[quote]I-16 between Macon and Savannah is pretty bland.[/quote] If you’ve never driven I59 from Slidell to Gadsden, you don’t know what you’re missing—and that’s a good thing....
The lack of self awareness by the...ahem, "victim's" kin, is remarkable. BTW, I'm all for gun control. Like hitting a moving target at 15 yards with a pistol. :rotflmao:...
I guess that so people can't see the stick up his arse moving his mouth....
[quote][quote]No wonder why the Democrats hate Russia so much, THEYRE ALL WHITE! [/quote] [quote]And no alphabet trans he/she's, us/we, they/them furries were noticed either.[/quote][/quote] They also export a lot of fossil fuel. You both have no idea how on point you are....

re: SHTF plans for your area?

Posted by Jimmy Russel on 5/9/24 at 11:03 am
Since I live inside Holman Prison outside of Atmore, I should be pretty good....
Just think if government wasn’t involved in healthcare that there wouldn’t be that many instances in which people could rock up that kind of debt...
[quote]Under Gardner’s watch, the Circuit Attorney’s Office, once the most active in Missouri in terms of jury trials, saw a dramatic decrease in the prosecution of criminal cases. This decline led to a state of near-collapse in the city’s criminal justice system.[/quote] Yeah, but violent crime ...
No. Let him progressive-proof Florida for two more years, and then gear up in 2026 as the first hat in the ring....
That’s nine miles of rough road right there. Make a freight train take a dirt road....

re: 2024 Draft Value Chart

Posted by Jimmy Russel on 4/29/24 at 8:40 am
[quote]...and in contrast, Pete Prisco's opinions on the draft [/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3ZzMjdmZzdqaHN3ZWZ2emw1Y25pOHdtcTMyMGQ2YjZlejc3eXgzMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP/giphy.gif[/img]...
Biden only wants another ice cream cone. Now his handlers? That's another story....
Every one of these “resignations” are the result of blackmail. Change my mind....