Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:Pest Control Gooroo
Number of Posts:260
Registered on:3/30/2022
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[link=(https://defenders.org/blog/2020/03/we-were-wrong-about-wolves-heres-why#:~:text=Wiping%20out%20an%20apex%20predator,to%20be%20a%20major%20mistake.&text=Seventy%20years%20without%20wolves%20changed,trees%2C%20songbirds%20began%20to%20decline.)]Exterminating apex predators fricked the ecosystem ...
word of mouth: the cleaning instructions said not to blow into the cartridges. 80s/90s kids: this must be the way...
[quote]I was 3 when I went to the World’s Fair in NOLA in 1984 - I’m sure others have memories of that[/quote] I was there, and 5yo. My only memory is getting there early, my dad intentionally parking in the way back to make sure we were the first to leave… my parents being frustrated as hell...
Warning tik tok link, so don’t click it. [link=(https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYS3oaP/)]College Basketball teams as Simpsons characters[/link]...

re: Cops earning the hate.

Posted by iPleadDaFif on 2/16/24 at 11:41 am
[quote]Plot Twist, the video was created by a retired Cop [/quote] Ole Rick is funny as hell. He’s not much a fan of modern day police tactics....
[quote]I’m not sure if I should submit a complaint to the city, or just ignore it.[/quote] Ignore it. Then take a baseball bat to bozos car. ...
Better tread lightly over there… ive heard of accounts being banned for nothing more than asking an honest opinion. :lol:...

re: Rex and Zulu

Posted by iPleadDaFif on 2/15/24 at 3:05 pm
[quote]Did I claim I myself was? No. Do I have multiple Rexes in my family, 100%.[/quote] Got no do in this fight, but wtf is a Rex? ...
[quote]I could be wrong, but pretty sure a Goup of Five was already getting an auto bid provided there was one in the final playoff committee rankings[/quote] Unfortunately, the committee won’t decide. The 2 highest ranked group of 5 conference champs get an auto bid for seeds 5 & 6 [b]See...
The top 6 highest ranked conference champions get an automatic bid, pac 2 excluded. The remaining 6 spots go to the highest ranked teams (or whatever clusterfricked selection system they decide to use) Take a gander at the conferences outside of the top 4: [link=(https://amp.foxsports.com/st...
[quote]A lot of people of size can’t lose weight due to genetics[/quote] People of size Gonna have to remember that one :lol:...
Frank Amodeo came close. Was slowly building his own private military, Air Force included. His plan was to take over the Congo first and expand. Then he opened his psychotic pie hole and revealed his real plan at the UN Summit. Gov. methodically stripped him down,and threw his arse in the clinker. ...
[quote]Joke, troll, or….?[/quote] It’s referencing the 2020 election, and mocking American stupidity, ignorance, and helplessness as a whole. Fuk those sunsabitches. ...
So if 2nd ot possession cant score inside a 15min quarter, the game continues… oooookaaaaaaay. This is no different than HS/College OT except nfl starts in their own territory with sudden death after 2nd possession tie. Zero reason for a time clock. ...

re: KC 25 @ 49ers 22 Final - CBS

Posted by iPleadDaFif on 2/11/24 at 9:18 pm
[quote]TScript calling for Ot[/quote] :cheers:...

re: Is it true in the MS Delta..

Posted by iPleadDaFif on 2/11/24 at 1:25 pm
[quote]He said every single person from the delta didn’t make a single error on the course [/quote] I believe it, .15 is just gettin started :lol:...
It’s not as bad as it seems. This isn’t a result of AI. Nor a shite economy. It’s simply what tech does. They bloat employment numbers to drive stock value, then eliminate super specialized jobs. They will literally hire dozens of tech positions whose sole job is to design order buttons for the...
Not guilty. One hand cuff, probation… check in twice daily.....

Y’all ever hit rumble?

Posted by iPleadDaFif on 2/4/24 at 11:21 pm
Didn’t realize it was still a thing… NELA here. Local “friend” was yapping all day about the end of the world.. These people are nuts [link=(Https://rumble.com)]Rumblez[/link] Anyone take these folks serious?...