Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1558
Registered on:7/23/2022
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Would be amazing to get a healthy Shores next season....
No inside knowledge, but one could suppose the guys in the portal. Wish guys wouldn't do that but there is a lot of pressure on them at that point in time....

re: Cancer Alley

Posted by Hondo Blacksheep on 6/11/24 at 2:49 pm
No, it isn't....
Because the Neanderthal gene is more typically associated with whiter Europeans, or so I understand the situation (always a dangerous proposition lol)....
My DNA test said I'm 4% Neanderthal, which is odd given that I'm 75% Italian/Arab. Oh well, we are what we are, it's not like we get to pick and choose our genetic traits....
The numbers speak for themselves. Should have been named an AS without debate....

re: LSU MLB/Minor League Stats

Posted by Hondo Blacksheep on 6/9/24 at 10:09 am
Can't be walking or hitting a guy per inning and stay in the League. I thought he was a closer at one point. Dude was a monster at State U....
Just wasn't our year I guess, but this one hurts because it was *right there*. So frustrating....
That photo is doctored. In the original, the Earth is off to the left side and doesn't look as Earthrise-y so they moved it. Also, in the original, the Earth looks much paler rather than the vivid blue we see in the iconic still. NASA's gotta NASA...
James Garner was the shite back in the day. Weekends and summers I watched ninety straight minutes of The Rifleman (with former Cincinnati Reds and Boston Celtics sharpshooter Chuck Conners) followed by an hour of Maverick (with Garner) every chance I got....
Moe Berg approves this message...
Still an attractive woman regardless of age....
Ride your circadian rhythms, it'll straighten things like that right out....
Re Tombstone, that's just crazy talk, like saying Goodfellas isn't a top mob movie. TS was awesome imho....
Is there anything more tired at this point than white people jokes? Just another couple of racist bigots .......