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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:3/28/2023
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[quote]Wait a few days and file a claim. Sometimes 30 days minimum is required.[/quote] And they all have a mileage minimum before it’s active. And it’s normally around 1,000 miles. So it’s 30 days of time and you still have to drive 1,000 miles. ...
[quote]Uh....goat...[/quote]Benji is definitely #1. But Flipper is a close second. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk2NTE0MDk5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTU3NjU1MTE@._V1_.jpg width=300[/img]...
[quote]Everyone does it. It doesn't take any effort, it's not an accomplishment, it's nothing to be proud of. [/quote] There are plenty of people where graduating high school will be the biggest achievement they will have in their life. Normally they are the ones with the entire family there being ...

re: Twister - time has abused it badly

Posted by BigBinBR on 5/21/24 at 2:28 pm
[img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-10-2022/7mSPjJ.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/rozlnqOWqxqA8/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952io3imex5b3q2aag5c71j8e4qr49ndq7xssusp4cx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]I was going to have a certified electrician come in and install the electrical portion correctly because I have no clue what I am doing when it comes to that.[/quote] They are just going to put in a transfer switch. Is there a reason you chose to run the gas line and not just get a l...
[quote]They aren’t representing him, just supporting him and probably just paying for his counsel’s bills. Y’all need to learn how to read.[/quote]I mean they are definitely providing him council: [quote]The UAA will provide for Coach Napier’s personal counsel,[/quote] They aren’t doing this ou...
Ernest Goes to Camp was on Hulu last month or the month before. It’s probably just going to a different service so it’s been removed. PCU I haven’t seen anywhere on any streaming. ...
[quote]jury now dismissed for a week[/quote] In a criminal trial? Well I guess the judge has been making it up as it went along, so this shouldn’t be surprising. I also like how the judge is like: Trump must be here, no excuses, no continuance, and no recess. Also, a juror has a dentist app...
She called the police because her boyfriend stole her dog. At 8:30 she starts crying for them to let her go because her “dog is inside” and she has no one to take care of him. She was trying to get her boyfriend arrested for taking her dog and apparently he never did. ...
[quote]Mistrial kills this until after the election because there is no court time between now and November.[/quote] Yep. But it still allows the media to run with Trump is “under indictment.” And “How is someone fit to be president if they are under current indictment?!?!?!” ...
I really think that the judge is angling for a mistrial. That way they can drag this out even longer. ...
Yeah these must be California prices. Which is Bidenomics+high minimum wage. According to their website, In Baton Rouge a Medium fry from McDonalds is $2.69. ...
[quote]Blanche is arguing for a dismissal now. I know it's routine operation but the idea of wasting time arguing before this Judge for dismissal is laughable. Better chance of rock growing wings and flying away.[/quote] He’s got to get it all on record. So even knowing the Judge probably isn’t l...
[quote]You lookin' for a home there?[/quote] Why? Are you looking for a roommate? ...
[quote]a useless piece of shite[/quote] The U-visa apparently stands for useless ...
I’m actually surprised he lived in Jacksonville. Most of the pedos live in Polk county. ...

re: Best trap for outdoor rats?

Posted by BigBinBR on 5/20/24 at 2:57 pm
Outdoor rats? I would just use this: [img]https://www.justonebitebrand.com/-/media/Project/OneWeb/JustOneBite/Images/US/Products/Images/just-one-bite-ii-bar/JustOneBiteIIBars_100504295_2.png width=250[/img]...
[quote]My wife and I are expecting our first child, and I am needing to trade in my car for a third row SUV.[/quote] shite one kid? I don’t know if a third row would even be enough for you. Just to be safe, you probably should just go on and get one of these: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic....
This is all Taylor Swift’s fault. If she wouldn’t have been at the Chief’s games then we wouldn’t have these morons making these suggestions. Also from the article: [quote]Who can forget Sarah Fuller kicking for Vanderbilt against Missouri in November 2020?[/quote] Everyone. Literally everyo...
[quote]Inexcusable and it has nothing to do with schools. If you make your kid read to you for ten minutes a day they will not have ANY problems with the state minimum s.[/quote] You have to teach the parents to read first. ...