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Registered on:9/2/2004
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[quote]I don't cheat on my wife with women i claim look like my daughter [/quote] Precisely. If their whole thing is godliness, can't they at least find someone who is .... godly? The man is not a believer, and you can see it in his acts and his deeds. The idea that this man is some type of quas...
[quote]I’m sure your life is an open book. [/quote] Oh we're doing ad homs now? ...
[quote]This currently has 23 downvotes and 5 upvotes[/quote] People don't like having their hypocrisy called out, but sometimes it is warranted. ...
[quote]Because you know in your own heart you’re casting first stones. [/quote] Oh please pull your head out of your arse. ...
[quote]defending rights[/quote] The right to cheat and steal? These are not protected rights under any form of government ever in human history. But ok, buddy. Carry on. ...
[quote]Never understood if you do not believe, why it bothers you so much? [/quote] Because you assholes try to shove it down everyone else's throats, and most of you are incredibly hypocritical about it, too....
[quote]Oh. Please tell us how lying and condemning an innocent man is a Christian value. [/quote] You guys are just willing to overlook his deep character flaws because you are desperate for political deliverance. [quote]God don’t like ugly. And if you are a smelly hippy, karma doesn’t eithe...
[quote]May God have mercy on you. [/quote] IDK but why does that read like a curse rather than a blessing?...
[quote]King David[/quote] Are you comparing Trump to David? Kindly share some of whatever you're smoking, that looks like a good time. :lol:...
[quote]You want to make this a contest of who is the biggest sinner? [/quote] No, I want you to STFU about God. Your claims of moral righteousness appeal to exactly zero people outside of your bubble of Christian reactionaries....
[quote]GOD'S court is now in session. [/quote] Trump is a philanderer and a fraud, and you want to talk about God. This shite is getting so old. ...
Get the mobile app, BackThen. It allows you to share with a closed circle of invited family and friends. Keeps it focused on the people who really care, and it has the added benefit of keeping your kids' images off social media and out of AI training data. Been using it for maybe 4-5 years and would...
[quote]No big deal; that electricity will be generated by windmills and solar panels...[/quote] While you guys are making fun, Microsoft is literally inking deals with major solar array developers like Brookfield to help power their data centers. So ... this is actually happening. CRAZY shite I KN...
Wait ... people still send their kids to public schools? ...
I completely agree with you about China's future. The population time bomb + their attempted return to a planned economy is going to result in the fastest economic decline in history. The question is whether we let them drag us down with them. I'm generally opposed to tariffs, but in this case i...
I can tell you on very good authority that the DoD is treating solar and battery tech as a national security issue. We need to jumpstart our domestic industries to safeguard energy independence, but that is increasingly difficult to do when China is over-producing cheap-arse panels and batteries usin...
[quote]It's kind of funny you gloss over why they operated at losses. They weren't content to just be a book retailer, or a general retailer...hell, they didn't even become profitable until AWS hit. Amazon kept investing their revenue in new products, which involved a lot of losses for products that...
[quote]I'm showing why it's not an ideal object. The consumer gets fricked and our economy devolves. [/quote] Amazon operated at a loss for years in order to corner markets and kill off competition. Now that they're the only game in town (functionally, if not literally), they're steadily increasi...
[quote]I'm curious to the boards opinions of tariffs, do y'all think they are good or bad in most cases? [/quote] Generally bad, but you do need your trade partners to keep the market manipulation to a minimum. ...