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We all know your supporting DeSantis future prospects with that silly narrative. And people like you are the reason DeSantis will never get over the hump....
Called for eliminating the FBI again. Cautioned against too much involvement in the Middle East. Says we are defending others and not ourselves .... borders etc... Also pointed to the persecution of Armenian Christians which we are funding by sending money to muslim Azerbaijan, the perpetrators....
[img]https://people.com/thmb/EVt_jUZZQguwjgcdMul-eIw9-6Y=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2)/pete-buttigieg-6-year-wedding-anniversary-061623-tout-bcb228ad6445408cb46f83b7e7ba1f7f.jpg[/img] President Pete Buttigieg and First Lady Chasten....

re: RFKjr finally naming names.

Posted by RiverCityTider on 5/13/24 at 7:51 am
So I'm supposed to be against a guy who says exactly what I want to.hear. and articulates it in a way that I understand it. Then im supposed to support guys who waffle back and forth or says the opposite of what I want ? All because he is a fake... too good to be true? That's an odd way ...
Where exactly did Ms Lindsey say Israel should use a nuke? That's a stretch. He's basically saying we did what we had to to end ww2 (nukes) and Israel should do what they need to. That's not exactly calling for nukes....

re: RFKjr finally naming names.

Posted by RiverCityTider on 5/13/24 at 4:30 am
He will also push the climate hoax. I'm sure of it. That to is a disqualifier. These issues are not all equal in importance. Climate and the Supreme CT are non negotiable. But you also have to look at competencey. Trump loses points on agency capture and Government Corruption because he can'...

re: RFKjr finally naming names.

Posted by RiverCityTider on 5/13/24 at 4:24 am
1 point for good. 0 for bad. .5 for unsure for all 9 issues cited....

re: RFKjr finally naming names.

Posted by RiverCityTider on 5/13/24 at 4:08 am
Well all these guys are wrong or evasive on important issues so it's difficult. Except Biden who is pretty much wrong on everything....

re: RFKjr finally naming names.

Posted by RiverCityTider on 5/13/24 at 3:39 am
I watched from that point on He's right on Ukraine He's right on Defense spending. He's right on agency capture and equipped to deal with it. He's off base on abortion... but as long as ths supreme court is constituted as it is at present nothing will change.., Unfortunately, the SC would pro...
Midterm Forecast: Housing Sector: Anticipate a significant correction in housing prices, possibly around a 30-50% reduction, as high DTI ratios and economic uncertainty weigh on demand. Monetary Policy: Expect quantitative easing measures to be implemented to counter recessionary pressures, wh...
Trump is set up for failure this time. ...
Short term, rates will fall because a recession will kick in shortly and inflation will wane because the great monetary expansion on 20-21 has had it effect and money supply has been retracting since. Long term, housing prices will retract by 50% or so because structurally speaking, fewer people...
[quote]I’m not surprised you can’t articulate why anyone should care what random schools in Virginia are called.[/quote] How old are you?...
[quote]That’s such a dumb line from a fabricated story. It’s quite unbelievable… “hey let’s assign blood guilt to our children for us killing this innocent man!”[/quote] Yea if heard your take before And also how Pilot's portrayal in scripture was unconvincing for a Roman Curator. All to abs...
At some point the remaining Jews will convert. You kown, this issue of culpability for the crucifixion is interesting. If you listen carefully there is a conserted effort to absolve the Jews. It doesn't sit well with the Jews that they have been "blamed" for this for 2000 years. This alleg...
At some point the remaining Jews will convert. You kown, this issue of culpability for the crucifixion is interesting. If you listen carefully there is a converted effort to absolve the Jews. It doesn't sit well with the Jews that they have been "blamed" for this for 2000 years. This alloc...
Christians didn't believe this way until recently. They were deceived by the establishment of the Jewish state. They see that as the end time prophetic fulfillment. But the new Jerusalem will be converted. They won't be pegan filth like what is in Telaviv...
She is influenced by the dark one. The new Israel is even more evil than the old one... the one that the Lord God decided to scatter to the four winds. By the way, the Palestinians are Cannaites. I'm no fan of them or their religion. But it's interesting to note that note thst there are no two...