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Location:New Orleans
Number of Posts:453
Registered on:1/3/2005
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[quote]Louisiana finally has a conservative in a position of power[/quote] He's yet to prove that. ...
[quote]A strong Christian [/quote] A strong Christian has courage. He has faith in the Lord and is not scared of temporal risks. He has faith in the eternal. Johnson is not a strong Christian. ...
What specifically did Trump say that caused this ruling? What was the substance of the contempt? ...

re: GP covers St George

Posted by Topcat on 4/30/24 at 11:38 am
[quote]They did not secede!!![/quote] But why does it matter? Either way the action stands for freedom of self-determination and self-government. The people of St. George decided to create their own political entity to govern their fates. If they were part of the city of Baton Rouge and were d...
[quote]To people who are educated about this, yes. To people listening to SWB, “TogetherBR”, etc? Less so.[/quote] Hence the understandable desire for separate government. ...
it's a matter of good government versus bad government, not race. ...
[quote]the idiots thought St.G. was "seceding" from BTR[/quote] not that there is anything wrong with secession . ...
[quote]Who exactly paid for this window pane or gutter or doorknob?[/quote] Don't miss the forest for the trees. ...
[quote]These people choose to purchase a large investment in EBR parish then decided they didn’t want to live in BR anymore. [/quote] Cubbies, St. George residents remain in East Baton Rouge Parish. ...
[quote]It doesn’t make sense that a parish would have to “turn over” or surrender its assets to a new city that formed after the assets were established.[/quote] Think about what you are saying. Is Baton Rouge the entity that owns things or is it its citizens? The former B.R., now St. George, cit...
[quote] 4-3[/quote] Justice Crichton is one of the three in dissent. I respect his levelheadedness way more than that of some of the justices in the majority, but in this case he is wrong. The problem with his opinion is he leaves people without hope or remedy for the mess to which they find th...
[quote]What does this have to do with St. George?[/quote] Use your imagination. ...
St. George should look to St. Louis as a guide. The inner city of St. Louis is your typical Democrat run pig sty, but the county is full of small incorporated towns--Ladue, Clayton, etc. These towns are beautiful and beautifully run. The tax burden is much less there because everyone contribu...
Uptown New Orleans come on down!...
[quote]15 Years and $2 Billion[/quote] It only took 5 years and $60 million to build in the 1970s. What a bunch of retards we have become. ...
[quote]House Democrats say Mike Johnson has an option to control his future over a motion to vacate from Marjorie Taylor Green: putting a Ukraine aid package on the floor.[/quote] Self before country. That would be a classic politician move and final proof Johnson has no character. ...
[quote]Not as many folks work in the office anymore. It’s a bad situation.[/quote] And the City of New Orleans is not helping. All of the tax credited low income housing inserted into the center of downtown has destroyed the cohesiveness of the Central Business District. People are leaving downto...
1986 - Anthony Wilson scrambles for the loose ball, throws it up off the glass at the buzzer to defeat a huge favorite Memphis State to advance to the Sweet 16. What an exhausting, exciting game for a team that went 9-9 in SEC play and eventually made it to the Final Four. ...
Ole Miss and Alabama have been LSU's greatest, most intense rivals over the last 75 years. Others temporarily may have offered bigger games (Auburn for a brief stretch), but over the long haul the teams that most motivate our fan base are Ole Miss and Alabama. I've hated the conference expansi...
[quote]Texas should back up 5’ and rerun the wire. [/quote] Sounds like a rock solid idea. Imagine if you backed up more than 5 feet, say 100 yards. At what point can the U.S. no longer logically argue that the land is the border and under its control? ...