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Yesterday was the 31 year old anniversary of Kentucky coming back to beat LSU men’s basketball team only being down by- 31 points!

Yesterday Kentucky played LSU again on Mardi Gras and beat the tigers again! By 31 points…

Defensively? against Neal, yes worst than Neal !

Arrambide is the worst fundamental

Posted by melkiper on 3/4/25 at 8:26 pm
Catcher I’ve seen in a long time. He needs more work for sure I get it but He’s not blocked at least 4 balls tonite and 2 of them has scored ! He has got to do a better job of moving/sliding out and just blocking the ball than this back hand work he has done this year so for. Gonna need this kids bat
She is listed as questionable
He actually lives in Philly. And does Devonta cut every 2 weeks and other players !
And I get it . You are employed by the university you represented by but that dude is freaking incredible and how he goes off other teams is insane

re: Tigers not lacking effort tonite!

Posted by melkiper on 1/29/25 at 8:13 pm
And I posted it. So what now?

Tigers not lacking effort tonite!

Posted by melkiper on 1/29/25 at 7:42 pm
We definitely are outclassed on personnel but I’m gonna give it to them. They playing hard, and there’s no quit in them. Still making some dumb plays but playing hard ! The inbound defense just kills me the most though!

Make it make sense please!

Posted by melkiper on 1/5/25 at 2:50 pm
#15 for Tampa makes a huge catch for a first down and jumps up and points with both arms downfield. Ump throws a flag for celebrating with a notion of a firearm!
Then 2 plays later , #15 catches a 32 yard touchdown pass to tie the game! He does no celebration BUT they blow the damn cannon (which is a firearm) off 3 times for the TD!

Just ironic I guess. just trying to find some humor out of this game !

re: Hailey Van Lith doing well at TCU

Posted by melkiper on 11/25/24 at 7:04 pm

re: Deer sausage

Posted by melkiper on 9/19/24 at 7:58 pm
Where is Carter’s Grocery?

Deer sausage

Posted by melkiper on 9/14/24 at 5:49 pm
So I got turned By a fellow hunter on to the man doing sausage at Romeros on Denham Road in central last year. He made the best syrup and pepperjack cheese sausage. Heard he has now closed or moved on to another location. Does anyone know where he is now? I would like to bring my deer to get processed TIA
Had a player lead the nation for rushing for a QB and we still didn’t make it to the promise land! He’s good enough. Just need help everywhere else

Guillory out for the year!

Posted by melkiper on 9/8/24 at 1:43 pm
Guillory out for season with torn Achilles! Gotta step up young tigers!

re: I want some objective opinions.

Posted by melkiper on 9/3/24 at 5:51 am
Could it be that just maybe both USC AND LSU maybe pretty good? Someone had to lose ! Just happened to be LSU. I can see us with one lose going into October 11th in Tiger stadium
Great to see some positive yardage on punt returns finally. 16 yards on 2 attempts and he almost broke the opening kickoff to the house but got tripped up. GREAT to see #7 Harold Perkins lead the team in tackles!

A donation

Only if you have no idea what the hell you’re doing. Everyone has the 5 obvious picks but just checking to see if anyone else likes who I like the other 3
With the top 5 conference champions getting the bid who are your other 3 teams to make the playoffs! Trying to make a parlay bet and seeing who everyone likes!

re: New date for bow in area 4

Posted by melkiper on 8/5/24 at 8:41 am
It maybe a misprint rattlebucket. That’s the states main site. And it is the only one that says that date also so……