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Location:glassman's guest house
Number of Posts:120321
Registered on:10/29/2003
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[quote]so I make sure I'm carrying something other than a missal and rosary, if you know what I mean.[/quote] Same We talked to priest and he gave go ahead for about a dozen parishioners to be packing. Most ushers are...

re: Is the "housing shortage" overblown?

Posted by Cosmo on 5/11/24 at 2:19 pm
[quote]There is not really a shortage of housing. There is a shortage of what people consider to be affordable homes in desirable areas.[/quote] This And neighborhoods that were affordable and desirable in 2010 are now shite in a lot of places...
[quote]Lester, not following you here. You want to clarify?[/quote] Lester hates Christians and Jews but loves Hamas...
[quote]SPAXX is at a 7 day yield of 4.95% in my Fidelity MM and if something happens I can move it to just about anything.[/quote] Any early redemption fee on this?...

re: Snake came out of Gulf in Destin

Posted by Cosmo on 5/11/24 at 1:38 pm
[quote]The weather in dear old Louisiana isn’t too bad this weekend old sport. Dare i say reminiscent of many a July day in Montauk.[/quote] Agree my good fellow. Actually just took my favorite colt out on an invigorating 10 mile ride. His great grandsire was War Admiral...
[quote]So we were extremely lucky this wasn’t a church shooting with multiple child deaths.[/quote] Because there were alert non sheep present as well as cops, apparently...
[quote]churches are magnets for bad people[/quote] Actually the ghetto is, statistically...
[quote]Yeah. Apparently brother in law said his eyes were very glassy.[/quote] So another person with either addiction or mental health issues The true epidemic in this country...
Crazy absolutely nothing on local news or twitter...

re: Snake came out of Gulf in Destin

Posted by Cosmo on 5/11/24 at 12:32 pm
[quote]never understood the just sitting/laying on the beach all day thing[/quote] I find it pretty relaxing when not hot AF Sit out there, read a book, listen to ocean, drink cold beer...
So no shooting. Somebody saw a good ole baw legally carrying a gun and freaked out?...
Facebook of the live stream has a few “thots and players” in comments...
[quote] The live stream of the Mass is on Facebook.[/quote] A link would be nice here...
wtf Guarantee a few conceal carry baws in there...
[quote]Edwrd[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/-lFxNI2gjGwAAAAC/conor-mc-gregor-who-the-fook-is-that-guy.gif[/img]...
Somebody sent me an “awesome aurora pic” It was the big naked black guy on bed in sky I should have known that one was coming...
Church near my house: [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/24/article-2119831-125184CE000005DC-361_634x346.jpg[/img]...