Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Bushwood Country Club
Number of Posts:20645
Registered on:9/9/2010
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He's seen the light about the Democratic Party. He left the party over the wokeness, but their use of lawfare has really angered him. He sees that they are destroying the country's core institutions, and he is truly angry about it....

re: Texas AD Must Be Senile

Posted by Evolved Simian on 5/31/24 at 10:11 am
Chris Del Conte has a ridiculous ego. He's a good fit for UT. ...
[quote]Clot shots rebranded.[/quote] Cancer is literally the driving force for developing this type of vaccine. The bullshite covid vax was just a rushed offshoot in response to a pandemic. This isn't a rebranding of anything. The science behind cancer vaccines has been a long time coming, an...
It seems baseball coaches listen to a lot of country music. [quote]Tony Vitello - Young Dolph [/quote] Not surprising at all. :lol:...
[quote]Louisiana becomes first state to ban retail sale of nitrous oxide[/quote] Is there ANYTHING you guys don't intend to ban?...
[quote]No, an unincorporated part of the parish formed their own city.[/quote] The residents of St. George will be better off for it. I'm assuming they will form their own school district? The funny thing is that it will make BR a more attractive business location. It's much easier to re...
[quote]You can’t have gum in Singapore. [/quote] Gum is far trashier than weed. ...
[quote]Jordon[/quote] TYFYS, JordonfortheJ. ...
[quote]Why are they so fat?[/quote] When I was a kid in the 80's, there were only skinny Goths. And despite being antisocial, nobody hated them. They kept to themselves and weren't dicks. Somehow, Gen Z has even fricked up goth culture. Now it's just malodorous fatasses who are confused abou...
[quote]If that was a street cam, why did it move prior? If not a street cam, why were they filming at that exact time?[/quote] It's a street cam. It doesn't move. You're watching video from someone's phone taken of the security cam monitor. The phone in their hand is moving, not the street ca...
[quote]Hilarious to me that literally the summer after he ran from the SEC, USC joined the Big 10.[/quote] He ended up with a fairly favorable schedule overall, but even if he takes advantage of it, OSU is going to destroy him in the B1G championship game. [quote]Watching A USC road game late ...
His best teams ever got punked in the playoffs by Alabama, Georgia, and LSU. He wants no part of the SEC. Hell, it's the reason he's at USC in the first place....
[quote]Dude, weirdos have been around forever.[/quote] They just started wearing keffiyehs in the last couple of months. It's not even debatable that normalization has accelerated this stupidity to levels never seen before....
[quote]USE ENGLISH derecho.... what the frick is this shite? that is spanish for "straight ahead" or "direct" Can't we just fricking say a storm? since when does a storm need a name like derecho? [/quote] A derecho is not a storm. It refers to a specific weather event. Please go back t...
[quote]Confederate Memorial Day used to be a state holiday in Alabama. Don’t know if they still acknowledge it now.[/quote] It still is. State employees get the day off, but nobody else in the state does. :lol:...

re: Cuba today

Posted by Evolved Simian on 5/28/24 at 4:07 pm
[quote]Was Cuba ever a vacation resort? Seems that would be the second to last place to hang out at... second to Iraq.[/quote] Cuba is a literal tropical paradise. In fact, it's one of the few places in the world where Marxism might actually be sustainable (by living off of foreign capitalist va...
[quote]they had an outstanding football season by their standards[/quote] It was outstanding by UT standards, as well. You guys have only won 11 games nine times in 130 years of football....

re: A whole lot of sad here

Posted by Evolved Simian on 5/28/24 at 3:19 pm
I see Ole Miss as a dark horse to break their 60+ year drought this year. I don't forsee Vandy ever winning the conference again in Football. They need to break the bank on a basketball coach and team, and become a basketball school....
[quote]I think it’s a Texas thing.[/quote] It is an official state holiday in Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and South Carolina. It's strange, because in Birmingham, you'd never even know it existed, but then I worked in the capitol district in Montgomery for a few years, and the entire downtown...
[quote]Does Memorial Day include confederate soldiers?[/quote] No. There is a Confederate Memorial Day for that....