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Location:Big Momma's House
Biography:Student, Philanthropist
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Registered on:10/28/2010
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Would we prefer these folks have kids and then take them to the gay parades and drag queen story hour?...
[quote]Yeah, let the Super Bowl champs replace a guy who generates a minimum of 1/7 their offense to virtue signal[/quote] Leftists would actually sacrifice performance/productivity and even human life for any number of DEI initiatives. ...
[quote]recommend you read the book, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies Are Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff and you wouldn't find this so surprising. It's not conjecture, it's not subjective, it's a verifiable, statistical fact that this country’s educational and court systems ha...
[quote]So what men are these women going to marry since women refuse to marry down(in their mind)? Hypergamy is real.[/quote] Many will refuse. It's simple as that....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN99mGSXMAA4d-s?format=png&name=medium[/img] Incredible....
It's such shameless disgusting pandering that doesn't nothing more than divide....
[quote]Why is accepting this kinda thing being pushed by the media?[/quote] To destroy the family, the last defense of children. You either LGBTQ-yourself, abort your baby, or give your baby to the state apparatus. ...
My guess-this whole story is completely fake and made up and another degenerate left wing "wishcasting" article. There's nothing leftist rags hate more than a traditional family. They want you to experience every sexual relationship under the sun EXCEPT monogamy. ...
[quote]A former coworkers husband was on the list. BTW, Ashley Madison was like 90% dudes. That shite was a scam.[/quote] More like 98% dudes....
Simple question: Is your wife seeing a therapist? If yes, do you know anything about that therapist?...
[quote]tarzana Gallego is quite popular in Arizona and he's posturing for increased border security. His district is along the border, and he's got the ear of his constituents. By contrast, Kari Lake is recognized as a nutjob throughout Arizona.[/quote] You're a leftist but probably right about ...
I'm sorry but the ebonics-talking ghetto shtick for WNBA players is cringe. It's hard enough watching them without any words, but then you realize they're male douche bags in women's bodies. It's a bizarre combo....
I always assumed trans surgery was deliberately destructive and they were simply seeing how many people would go along with it....
Progressive story. Al is probably going to play a conservative and the kids will lecture Al why he's wrong....
Neither. Stop drinking garbage juice....
There are a lot of things people can do to mitigate problems/events. That doesn't make them at fault...but if you don't stick your hand in the fire then you won't get burned... Don't try to cuddle a grizzlybear......
[quote]Isn't it equally weird to tell a few generations of kids that the only eay to be happy is to go to college and get a job and live in a 2 income household,and chase material goods only. And if that if anything gets in their way, like a child, that they should have the right to kill it. Is t...
[quote]My issue with Butker almost solely lives with IVF When you have nieces and nephews that you adore created through IVF, you really don’t give a shite what some people “feel” based on scripture from a being I can hold and hug those nieces and nephews. If God has issues with it he can send ...