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As a Trump supporter not convinced he’ll win, the only possible route to victory for him that I can imagine would be for them to do what you described - cuff him and bring him to jail. He’ll get enough support to overcome cheating then and only then in my honest opinion. I hope it happens :lol...

re: delete

Posted by TDsngumbo on 5/20/24 at 10:07 pm
[quote]Please refrain from calling out other posters[/quote] [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/LTuDYMIel6lkin7JG4G_1CtM4d9vuPpK622CtzBhOZk.png?auto=webp&s=bff3cafce1cc007c9d01620ab87e645429746f9d[/img]...
[quote]It amazed me how bad Turner field looks, they donated to GSU and it looks rundown. My son said they need to pressure wash it..[/quote] I saw it yesterday and thought the same exact thing. Just like much of the rest of the city, it’s just plain dirty. Like nobody’s touched it in years....
[quote]hard to imagine it that much worse than current New Orleans[/quote] New Orleans is gorgeous compared to downtown Atlanta. ...
I stayed in Buckhead and it was decent there. Most of my time was spent in downtown and traffic near downtown, though. ...
I remember that city being a decent place with terrible traffic. Maybe I didn’t spend enough time in downtown then but to say it’s an absolute shithole and a disgrace to their taxpayers would be a massive understatement. Thug graffiti everywhere, the roads make NOLA roads look acceptable, buildi...
I’m all for gun safety but if it was unconstitutional, it was unconstitutional. Plus, if it shoves something up Biden’s arse, it’s a bonus. ...
[quote]Personal experience?[/quote] No but I’ve seen it many times...
They’re gonna refuse to marry them initially then five years later when the men are making bank doing some blue collar job, they’ll cheat on their feminine husbands with said men who have now married down to some fat uneducated girl who gave them four kids. The two marriages will fail. The feminine ...
That’s what I was looking for. Thank you very much! I’ll stay in downtown and Uber in. :cheers:...

Is the Deep Ellum area of Dallas safe?

Posted by TDsngumbo on 5/20/24 at 11:40 am
No clue about Dallas and what areas to avoid but my wife wants to attend a small concert there in October and I need to know if we should stay in the area and walk or stay elsewhere and drive to the venue. What do I need to know? ...
Didn’t sound like a resounding applause in a room full of blacks to me. ...
I’m stocking up on watermelon and placing an advanced order for chicken legs. Want to beat the rush. ...
I remember there was at least one poster here who got outed. I discovered it because the email address was his screen name and he admitted to it here. Wish I could remember who it was now. ...
I’m in Atlanta today and it passed right by my hotel. I saw ZERO bystanders and only cops/secret service members. Watched it from my hotel window which was cool because I had a very nice unobstructed view of a presidential motorcade but I mentioned the same thing to my wife — 81 million votes my arse...
The secret to his dominance is to constantly get drained by Livvy. I’d be on my A-game at everything I do if I’m his shoes too. ...
Just catching up on this. Are we really looking at a repeat of a few nights ago in the EBR/Ascension area?...