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Registered on:2/18/2012
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There are a lot of people who think they can talk their way out of a situation or think asking for a lawyer is some sort of admission if guilt. Some also think talking is a sign of cooperation that they will get credit for....
Also, not an 'invention', but leaving the score and clock on the screen....
I feel the league made a mistake in branding. Both the USFL and XFL were bigger name brands than the forgettable "UFL." I suppose it doesn't make much of a difference in the big picture, though. ...
Happy Days, Gilligan's Island, and the fricking Odd Couple had cartoons back in the day....
[quote]fifth American tourist detained for ammunition in luggage[/quote] Is this a new thing they're screening for?...
[quote]I’m not sure the smart ones support this[/quote] I'm sure neither one of them do....
[quote]deserve everything that happens to them.[/quote] Nothing ever happens to them. The city may have to pay, but that will be all....
[quote]At least he wasn’t black. Then every Wendy’s within a mile of that place would be burned down because he was wrongfully arrested.[/quote] Will golfers being arrested be enough to get white people to riot?...
[quote]sending me pics and videos of her self[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vqbjr2gvlnxoox1edm2hbmd5vipveab4pfk8288g&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]She sounds fat.[/quote] Yes, and fat people travel in groups. Notice how the entire post was about going out to eat several times. They're all probably fat as hell....
[quote]10 missed FGs, 10 turnovers,[/quote] A decent night in the WNBA....