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99% of the major players are "compromised"

“The first thing a cult does is tell you everyone else is lying”.

Mitt’s being willfully obtuse

Good lord, the irony.
To revel in the sadness of others is terrible. What a piece of shite you must be.
No, it failed spectacularly because MAGA is a bunch of gullible idiots who are very bad at separating fact from fiction.
This is why we think you’re stupid. It’s because you’re so fricking stupid.

A few items totaling $12,500 from people that obviously aren’t political operatives can’t be compared to literally millions in “gifts” from a conservative activist. There is no bottom for you retards.
If anyone treated Americans the way Israel treats Palestinians, almost all of you would be insurgents.

And Israel is creating another generation of terrorists right now. Not to mention heating tensions in the Middle East at large.
Jesus is returning, the “storm” is coming, Biden is going to crash the economy, Hunter’s laptop is a smoking gun, and on and on and on…

You folks are the most gullible morons imaginable. Gullibility is by far the most consistent quality shared by MAGA. Literally everything your handlers feed to you pathetic sheep is bullshite and never pans out- and you still suck it down like a lot lizard.
What’s supposed to be on the laptop? That’s the question.

Until we have actual content from the laptop that implicates Biden, it’s just a disinformation campaign.


Posted by reddy tiger on 6/6/24 at 10:10 pm

Y’all sure are mad at a list of scumbags.

I simply see it for what it is- your handlers “rallying the rubes” against their political rivals. It’s fiction. A fairy tale for idiots.
You’re not “America”.

You’re a minority, living in a pluralistic society.


Posted by reddy tiger on 6/6/24 at 10:03 pm
It should be painfully obvious that you’re a sheep in a cult when literally nothing your handlers tease you with comes true. And like a good sheep you ignore both the failure and reality and claim that literally everyone not in the cult is in on a big conspiracy. Rinse. Repeat.

You guys consistently make the mistake of thinking that hero worship is universal. It’s not. And it’s kind of pathetic.


And you posted it without a hint of irony.

No, you aren’t getting the point. I’m just using “bias” the same way the cult does, where the definition appears to include “judgements based on facts and observations”.
Literally everyone not in the cult has an anti-Trump bias.

And objective reality has a STRONG pro-Biden, anti-Trump bias.
If the situation were reversed, Trumpsters would be foaming at the mouth. The judge and her family would be getting death threats and 3 dozen conservative talk shows and as many podcasts would be focused on corrupt liberal activist judges.

That’s why we think you’re pieces of shite. You have zero moral, ethical, or logical consistency.

Unvetted illegals have been welcomed to invade our country. Who knows how many have ties to terrorists or may themselves be terrorists.

Oh, bullshite…

Without the impact of illegals on the labor pool, labor costs would skyrocket, which would put even more pressure on inflation. Not to mention the lost productivity of unfilled jobs.

“Terrorists”. frick off with that noise. They’re desperate migrants.

Have you been to a store lately? Bought anything on credit?

Good god, Trumpsters are so breathtakingly dumb. They don’t know how anything works. It’s tiring.

The economy is doing so well that companies are raising prices to take advantage of the growth and the FED, as a counter-measure, is raising interest rates to cool things down and reduce inflation. This is simple stuff.
Don’t bring facts to a Trump rally. If Trump worship was based on facts, it wouldn’t exist.