Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Born in Baton Rouge- LSU Proud
Interests:Camping, hiking, anything outdoors
Occupation:Petroleum & Environmental Engineer
Number of Posts:508
Registered on:9/3/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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I lived in south Tulsa for 6 years frim 2010-2015 and then another 3 years from 2018-2021. We liked Tulsa aka Green Country. There are a lot of parks, walking, hiking trails, festivals, etc. A lot of old oil money there. Billionaire George Kaiser gives hundreds of millions to the city for parks,...
1044 miles from New Orleans to close to Williamsburg, VA when I was at LSU in a '78 Firebird. I was in my early 20s. Not smart. Several times I was hypnotized on the road. Again, not a smart thing to do. Later, I was driving up near Tyler, TX, and I pulled over in a closed gas station out in t...
Good....run, run as fast as you can. Unleash the Hellfire drones....
If NASA is going to blow me up, I'm not taking another job. They're going to have to set me up in the Bahamas or some tropical island somewhere with a lot of cash if they want me to be quiet....
Been there baw. Took me a long time to realize, I'm their Dad, not their "friend". By friend, I mean someone who tells them what they want to hear, not necessarily what they need to hear. The hardest thing is letting them go and have life teach them because it can backfire on you if you try to "co...
He's low and wrapping up. No arm tackling going on here. That baw needs to suit up as a Chinese Bandit....
I live in NWA, and Wright's is very good. But I think the best BBQ Ive tasted was in Waynesville, NC at the Haywood Smokehouse. If you're in western NC, I highly recommend it....
Reagan- Bush 1980. People were so sick of Carter. Didn't care for Bush, but I liked Reagan. Voted Reagan again in '84 as a student at LSU. Lived in Kirby Smith those days. Fun times. We didn''t know what we had Didn't see another Alpha President until Trump....
The monoliths in Peru pretty much solidified it with me. The huge rocks weighing thousands of tons seamlessly fit together are an engineering wonder. It's called "cyclopian architecture". The antedeluvian ancient world is a rabbit hole you can disappear down. All cultures have oral traditions of...

re: Help when you can

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 5/4/24 at 11:39 am
If you've done it to the least among you...... Way to go Baw....
Great story. We all have different paths and journeys we end up taking. I'm 60 yr old, and I can see life passing so quickly. As a small kid growing up in the 60s and 70s, summers seemed forever. A little later, just a few years ago, i was a kid at LSU going to classes, studying, chasing girls a...
I was a freshman in '82. You could get into the games with just your student ID. It rained naval oranges in Tiger Stadium that year. The Stovalls are fine, salt of the Earth, folks. I never liked the way LSU treated Coach Jerry. ...
And they wonder why recent attendance has fallen over 34%....
That's an average of 2.7 Big Macs per day since birth...lol. ...
Ahhh. the "Alisha Lehman Revenge Kick"...one of favorites.... [link=(https://youtu.be/-9bBqqblAKA?si=QQctgF5ugUVpK_LQ)]Alisha Lehman Revenge Kick [/link]...