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If she is a 2 in Australia, a 10 must be like looking into the sun....

re: BMI

Posted by LSUPERMAN on 5/17/24 at 11:42 am
[quote]HeartAttackTiger[/quote] [quote]What is the highest you've ever seen for your BMI and what is your current BMI?[/quote] You first....
[quote]It’s how propaganda works, it’s not going to be some poorly made film it’ll be good quality.[b] Also the people you’re attacking are going to be demonized to the point that the public don’t see them as human or as less than[/b]. Ethnic cleansing 101 there [/quote] You are kind of seeing th...
[quote]You got that backwards my man. 1 won’t ask you to fold the laundry or pick up the kids from school. [/quote] You do you but I think I will take the one that is a billionaire! :lol:...

re: Snake Eyes (Nicholas Cage)

Posted by LSUPERMAN on 5/16/24 at 8:22 am
Cage was a dirty cop so I am assuming that is what he meant by villain....
Furiosa might have lost an arm but at least her eyes moved in closer together the older she got, so that's a positive in an apocalyptic, dystopian world. ...
He and his brother were good on Gumble to Gumble. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBUIM9Oq6Fk[/embed]...
[quote]What’s the purpose of that felt boundary at construction sites? I often see them but don’t see the purpose. Just marking the outer boundary of the upcoming structure?[/quote] Erosion control....
Holy shite. This - [quote]It is only at the end of a shoot that you finally get the chance to sit down and have a look at the film you have made,” Jackson wrote. “Recently Fran [Walsh], Phil[lippa Boyens] and I did just this when we watched for the first time an early cut of the first movie — and...
My main point is he had enough clout to do what he wanted and if he didn't get his way he should have walked away. I know he was banking on Del Toro to do it and put him in a spot when he backed out but one would think PJ could do what he wanted. Maybe not. [quote] but I do have to stand up for P...
You know, I actually was one of your proponents on bringing you back but [quote]It’s extremely clear that you have no idea what the frick you’re talking about when it comes to these films[/quote] You can go frick yourself with this shite. You are an angry little man who post a bunch of shite. frick...
[quote]Had he been given the creative freedom[/quote] This doesn't make sense. The creative freedom is what led to 3 movies. All he had to do was follow the source material. Simple. [quote] time as he had with LotR[/quote] Don't believe this, either. He was penned for this project a long ti...
The Mummy was set to release the same weekend as the Phantom Menace. Smartly they moved it to two weeks before. ...
Used to be one in Hammond. Don't know if it is still there. Only thing i know in the NS is simulated golf places....
[quote]Baw. If you approached 100 random people on the street and asked them if they knew what book / movie Sharon, Gollum, and Frodo were in vs Luke , Vader, Leia, and Hans, you know that Star Wars would instantly be recognized by almost Everyone. Not so much for LOTR. Snap back to reality. [/quo...
Point? He said cops cannot intentionally wreck someone and I pointed out, yes they can....
[quote]frick off, a cop doesn’t get to wreck someone just because he’s a cop.[/quote] :lol: I guess you never saw a cop do a PIT maneuver, you know, where they intentionally wreck someone....
[quote]The head of DiscoWarner crumpled up a $90M completed film, tossed it in the trash, and got a raise.[/quote] How much money would they have loss if they went ahead and marketed it and put it out there knowing it would bomb? Also, wasn't he hired after the film was made? He saw it was a turd...

re: Is Superbad The GOAT Teen Comedy

Posted by LSUPERMAN on 5/3/24 at 8:17 am
[quote]Did you make this b/c OML is back?[/quote] Wait, what? ...