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Registered on:4/25/2013
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re: The Axeman of New Orleans

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/17/24 at 7:40 am
[quote]Carlos Marcello pretty much controlled the city as this was in 1910-1918[/quote] Marcello was born in 1910, so it’s safe to say his criminal empire had yet to begin at the time of the Axeman. ...

The Axeman of New Orleans

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/16/24 at 9:09 pm
Any of you ever read up on the Axeman of New Orleans? He was essentially the Jack the Ripper of NOLA, never caught and full of legend. Anybody have any info you’ve heard or more to the legend? ...
Morgan City and Port Barre. Two dead towns with nothing going on. Unfortunately, this is the norm for a lot of towns in Louisiana. ...
I think I’m gonna tie her down and listen to some Queen lol...

RIP Darius Morris

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/10/24 at 10:30 am
How many of you remember Darius Morris? He played college basketball at Michigan and played for the Lakers at one time. I also think he played for the Pels as well.He recently passed away, no cause of death given. He was 33 years old. RIP. [link=(https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/former-los-an...
It’s that Louisiana sucks. I know, generally speaking, Redditors and you good folks don’t agree on much, but this stance seems universal. It’s hard, I try to focus on the good things about Louisiana (I’m kinda stuck here, can’t afford to move, family is here, etc.) but when all around you are the LA...

Most Underrated Songwriters

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/9/24 at 6:10 pm
Who do you think are some of the most underrated songwriters in musical history? Who generally don’t get enough credit for their abilities? I’ll start with a perfect example. Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd. The man was a true Southern poet. He never wrote anything down, the words came to him n...
Rickey Henderson was the GOAT of stealing bases. ...

Beatles or Stones?

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/8/24 at 11:40 am
Someone told me once (he grew up in the 60’s and 70’s) that when it came to the Beatles and Rolling Stones, you were into one or the other. There were Beatles fans and there were Stones fans. The Beatles were clean cut with pop friendly music and the Stones were the bad boys with bluesy rock n roll....
I have a question that I would like the OT’s take on. Would you rather be in a relationship with an OT 8-10, who is somewhat of a prude sexually, or would you rather be in a relationship with an OT 1-3, or even bump it up to OT 4-6, who isn’t much to look at, but does everything you want sexually, a...
I’ll admit I don’t know much about politics, I figured y’all could illuminate me on this. There was a time years ago when people were talking about Paul Ryan being a strong contender for the Oval Office. I would hear his name a good bit. But then, I haven’t heard that talk in a long time. He seems l...
I have a good friend who hasn’t spoken to his mother for years. Totally cut her off from his life and from seeing his kids. The Mom actually brought a lawsuit against him, claiming she had a right to see her grandkids. The best she got was a phone call once a week. This was a few years back, so not ...
We’ve all heard money is the root of all evil? My question today is, do you believe money brings out the worst in people? For example, I’ve heard stories where, when the last living parent dies, instead of comforting each other, the children of the deceased fight over the parent’s material possessio...
Surprised no one has mentioned William Henry Harrison. Poor guy never even had a chance to really make an impact, as he was only in office 31 days before his death from pneumonia. ...

Tell me about your club days

Posted by SaintlyTiger88 on 5/4/24 at 7:25 pm
Back in the good ole days, what clubs did you baws hit up? Where were the spots to go in Laffy, BR, NOLA, etc.? What are your favorite memories from those days? ...
Nah, it’s Euro Trip. Cuz Scottie Doesn’t Know. ...
[quote]My teenagers have seen SSR like 3 times. Is there anyone who really hasn't seen it at this point? [/quote] Hey, just trying to be considerate lol. You never know about the random baw who hasn’t seen it. ...
When it comes to the greatest endings in movie history, an ending that truly satisfies and rewards the viewers, one particular movie that always comes to my mind is Shawshank Redemption. I won’t say too much as to not spoil the magnificent ending for those who haven’t seen it, but I wanted to ask th...
Isn’t this nation a nation of immigrants and their descendants? I get that immigrants and refugees may be different by definition, but how many immigrants came to America to escape poverty, religious oppression, war, etc.? I knew my post would not be popular, but I meant what I said. Unless you ...
I’m all for this. My Dad was not a refugee, but he was an immigrant who came from Jordan. He arrived in America in the 70’s. His whole family (he was one of 11) eventually all came over, as did my grandparents. Unfortunately there has been so much violence in the Levant over the years that I wou...