Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:371
Registered on:10/22/2020
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Baloney! RINOs are the biggest problem because they take the place of TRUE representation that would have ended this crap long ago. THEY ARE THE ENEMY. The leftists do what we expect. We expect them to be emotionally compromised, and govern based on feels. The RINOs do what we don't expect. We expec...
It's a pretty accurate metaphor for the Republican Party though. Same belief but different proposed ways to get there....
Church's Chicken? Did I guess correctly? ...
Look at these up votes! Pretty atypical for this board. Looks like we have some manipulation aboard. Gird your loins. Lol...
Don't think Valerie's message will be getting too far with only 3 likes....
Great video, but ChatGPT derives this from movie plots it has read. So what you are getting is a summary of conspiracy movies that it knows. It isn't actually revealing anything. I wish it were something greater, but it isn't....
Why does Israel get to go "total war" against their enemies, yet our boys are fricked by rules of engagement? THATS the double standard I don't agree with. It isn't about Israel. It's the fact that our boys were told to behave and die for the rules or there would be consequences, and apparently there...
Sure, let's legislatively take action against a chemical that has killed very few people. Meanwhile government fastracks chemicals with much less research that they want you to inject into your veins because they are scared of a pandemic. GTFO of here with that. ...
14000 to 7000. That is 7000 CHILDREN killed. How disgusting. That is like having 15 schools with a shooter going in and executing every child in the building. How is this ok? How are we ok with this but we get upset at an elementary school shooting that kills 20 kids? You see the disparity? I'm not ...
Appointments matter. It sucks that important appointments have to go through the Senate that is a controlled body full of RINOs, MIC simps, and leftists. Now you see the problem that ANY president will face. Anyone we want will have to be approved by the very beast we want to defeat. Impossibl...

re: What does empowering women mean?

Posted by 10thyrsr on 5/13/24 at 11:13 pm
What you should be questioning is "empowering" implies a transition of power from one to another. To give authority to; to delegate power to; to commission; to authorize (having commonly a legal force) So, this already subjugates women implying that they need to be given power from those in c...
Ted Cruz wants to operate within the current paradigm. The only time he has indicated he will operate outside of that paradigm is if the Democrats try to stack the supreme court. MJT wants to break the current paradigm. Her threshold was reached long ago. It is no surprise that Cruz does not sup...

re: Anti-Semitism Law

Posted by 10thyrsr on 5/2/24 at 8:24 am
[quote] Also, the Jews did not kill Jesus. They requested that he be killed; however, it was the gutless Romans who killed him, because the Jews did not have that authority in the day.[/quote] The bullets killed Kennedy. The sniper just requested the bullets head that direction....

re: Anti-Semitism Law

Posted by 10thyrsr on 5/2/24 at 3:01 am
Absolutely the Jews are terrified that they will lose their protected status. Nobody wants to clarify if Jews are a race, or are they a religion, because they currently enjoy the benefit of both under current legislation. What other entity is also a race AND a religion?...
Every year the media rolls out some turd who has never lost in their predictions to tell us how it's gonna go. It never does and they flush the turd and look for the next one with no humility because it wasn't THEM saying it, it was some random that they implied we should trust because of their reco...
Alt-right are the people who will stand up to the progressive left movement. Maga right seems to work within the framework of government. Alt-right says the system is screwed and can't be fixed, thus we should attack the system and reform it by whatever means they can do so....
Johnson controls what gets to be voted on. He could have stalled the whole process and just not do anything. He didn't. We don't want him to make good legislation because he can't with the slim margins. We want him to stop democrat supported legislation and he didn't. Time after time he let bad legi...

re: Israel committing genocide?

Posted by 10thyrsr on 4/26/24 at 2:19 am
[quote] In other words, Hamas, the group that kills and rapes women and children, are claiming that's the number. How you're retarded enough to believe that number is the real question. Edit: Of course the UN is going to frame Hamas as "the authorities in Gaza". Doesn't sound as good when you...
This sounds crass and is going to be unpopular, but in order to save a person's life sometimes we have to do harm to them. Case in point, when giving life saving cpr, you will most likely break the ribs. Why are we not doing emergency liposuction if the fat is getting in the way of the breath...