Favorite team:Clemson 
Number of Posts:37
Registered on:1/10/2021
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re: Work / Life Balance

Posted by arleen1013 on 5/6/24 at 10:57 am
Is that $700k all-in comp? Or just cash? 700k cash, yes I'd probably do it without a second of hesitation. 700k all - in comp? would require some more diligence around vesting periods, % cash, bonus structure, etc. your week to week work / life balance is already crap. so make more money...
I'm a simple man all I want for my birthday is my free waffle from waffle house, then put some serious dents in the headboard. occasional nice supper is fun too. ...
I genuinely love what I do I genuinely hate doing it for other people. big companies suck if I was on my own, and/or had full roster control, I would be coasting....

re: Topic for younger couples (30-35)

Posted by arleen1013 on 4/15/24 at 1:53 pm
its a simple math problem. if your wife makes more than daycare costs, significantly more, then both work. we have two kids in daycare. my wife makes a pretty sweet salary. I've had a few good years, but those are slowing down (sales). when both kids get out of daycare, we will be oprah r...
couple major screw ups right off the bat... 1- if wife's panties were in the burn bin, did you smell em? smell familiar or strange? 2- I would've absolutely looked at the tag/brand. I probably would've said something on the spot too...just something like hey did you mean to put these in the b...

re: Casual boots of the OT

Posted by arleen1013 on 3/8/24 at 12:50 pm
got 2...wear the rocky's more, tecovas when sprucing up just a tad. got redwings I'll wear to work and tecovas ostrich for fancy occasions rocky: [img]https://www.rockyboots.com/dw/image/v2/AAOL_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-Master-Product-catalog-en/default/dw085a30ee/images/FQ0002733_LARGE...

re: Best southern city

Posted by arleen1013 on 3/1/24 at 2:14 pm
lived in Atlanta over a decade. couldn't pay me enough to move back. Whole state of GA gone to shite. Nashville, Raleigh, Jax, Greenville, SC, and Charleston are the only Southern cities / metro areas I'd live in. ...
at least someone posted it. IDGAF what anyone says, ain't nothing prettier than a dog working birds... I think yellow labs or boykins are prettier, but black labs are easier to train in my experience. [img]https://i.imgur.com/CxUiKri.jpeg[/img]...

re: Post an unpopular opinion

Posted by arleen1013 on 2/9/24 at 8:53 am
political themed: - need more abortions. look at the data, iykyk - the federal government needs to go away - social media has ruined human civilization non-political: - bermuda grass is the superior strain of grass, period. - Kirkland Brand coffee is just as good as any other coffee;...
[img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5668a0_5e07424791ed454e873ee317798d6c64~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_548,h_822,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/5668a0_5e07424791ed454e873ee317798d6c64~mv2.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5668a0_1e7cb677b0c44f60ad7185f0328beb99~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w...

re: Questions for people in sales

Posted by arleen1013 on 2/1/24 at 10:19 am
stressful - depends. more stressful than punching a clock and filling out tps reports, but also way less stressful for me personally given my objective is simple: sell six figs? day one. my base is six figs plus, total OTE is half a mill hrs / week? anywhere from 20 - 80. it's a gig where you'...
Smart enough to make a career out of talking into a microphone. He's not solving complex problems here. IMO his best quality is being genuine. He's open minded, open to discourse (on most topics not MMA related ha), and is a good conversationist. He knows a lot about a few topics, and knows ...
depends on fabric, not color dri-fit / moisture wicking synthetic materials... (golf polos, underwear, socks, wife (no pigs) lululemon shid, etc.) get one load cottons get one load towels / sheets (white) get one load w/ bleach. if washing towels / sheets, I'll toss in the few white shi...
worked for me. my lab (now almost 6 yrs old) bit me when he was a pup. I bit the sheeit out of his ear and he never bit me again. A knee to the ribs will stop em from jumping on you too....
which ever mom is the hottest, buy 3 thin mints and 1 samoa...
don't walk my dog on his leash, but always have the slip leash on me in case someone comes out of their house or is walking too. I regularly duck hunt w/ my dog so he's pretty well trained and will stop on command. also usually go out at 630 before everyone else is up so we rarely encounter peopl...
don't sit in coach like a poor :pimp:...
I don't see how we're still on that list... ETA: Dabo without a Venables caliber DC and unchanged offensive staff and refusal to adapt to CFB changes don't have me booking any trips to the natty......
and we already got some Whataburgers popping up. bringing me back to HS...
on one hand, I'm stoked to be getting some in-n-out burgers.... on the other hand, I'm sick and tired of California people moving into this state. at least I ain't in Williamson county, which is becoming Cali Jr....