Favorite team:LA-Lafayette 
Number of Posts:309
Registered on:9/3/2004
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Aren't the Dems trying to strip him of his secret service? They introduced a bill for it....
It will be a dog and pony show just so they can claim that he was unjustly persecuted but justice prevailed. And the MSM will play along. ...
So now, I wonder what the outcome of Hunter Biden's trial will be? Hmmmmmmm. I'm guessing not guilty due to lack of evidence. ...
[quote]They’re just going to call him a convict all through the debates and all through the summer. I think that’s all that they wanted. Will it work? Dunno. Anxious to see the next polls and how this changed it. I don’t think it helped him in the rust belt though.[/quote] I agree with this. I to...
[quote]I don’t get why he doesn’t go ask the MAGAs to take down the flag instead of running to Twitter[/quote] Lol. That's what I was thinking. Of course, you have to have testicles first and his have probably been removed....

re: Bill Maher on The View

Posted by Crowley Cajun on 5/22/24 at 5:49 am
The wife and I actually watched him on Gutfeld. He stated that he is "old school" liberal. He's not "woke". Some of the things that he said, we could actually agree with, which is odd. He's definitely not a Trump fan, but he wasn't afraid to call out Biden. It was a very interesting Gutfeld segm...
The Dems introduced a bill to strip Trump of Secret Service if he's convicted and sent to prison. I haven't heard anything lately about it though....
All of these smoke and mirrors trials are to keep him off of the campaign trail, drain him of his money and mentally break him. A conviction is icing on the cake. I was telling my wife, this is how the far left is cheating this year. They're not waiting on election day....
[quote]Is Biden closing the border? Or is he going to chastise Texans?[/quote] He's going to Brownsville, where they used to have a lot of crossings. But due to Texas taking action, hardly anyone crosses there anymore. So, it wouldn't surprise me, Joe will take credit for this. ...
[quote]I'm by no means an expert, but I believe he can operate businesses in any other state. What I'm less than clear about is can he do business with any banks that are licensed to operate in the state of New York.[/quote] I happen to catch the AG do her victory dance press conference and she s...
[quote]If I’m Trump, I start moving the Trump Organization out of NY entirely. Setup shop in TX or FL or TN.[/quote] We now have a conservative Governor in Louisiana. He can move to Louisiana also. Lol. ...
Fani is not showing up today. Just reported. ...
[quote]ETA: Also, am I the only one that doesn't think this is a very big deal? They are coworkers hanging out after hours. Best I can tell, nothing illegal was done and they are all consenting adults. If the worst thing she did was basically say she was gonna be tired at work in the morning, why is...
Wow. He doesn't pull punches. I noticed to the right where they list other segments that they have Mike Johnson sits down with Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity interviewed him last night. I must say, Mike Johnson didn't pull any punches in the interview. I hope that he follows through on what he want...
Even if they were to build it, good luck finding people to work....
[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/02/d7/4702d7acca46229872bf42f5ff7a2b2f.jpg[/img] This is Myrtle on her wedding day. She was actractive as an adult....
[quote]Curious if they have people there looking to sell their Jeeps or is that prohibited? I’d like to get an 80’s model to bang around in[/quote] Saw quite a few Jeeps for sale....
Wife and I went. It was the first time. We didn't register for any of the events so we went where we wanted and did what we wanted to do. No agenda was great. We belong to Louisiana Jeepers and we ran into several from our group. From what we've seen stated, they estimated 4,000-5,000 Jeeps. Y...
This is where my wife and I went for our honeymoon....
[quote]You know, I kind of feel bad for the local distributor guys. They went from driving a beer truck to a queer truck through no fault of their own.[/quote] Schilling Distributing out of Lafayette actually put out a radio ad talking about this situation. They must really be hurting also. The...