Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Mars Hotel
Number of Posts:18643
Registered on:1/11/2010
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[quote]always felt the production value of the CBS broadcast was much better. [/quote] No doubt about this. CBS production crushes ESPN ...

re: Most useless stat in sports

Posted by harmonics on 6/4/24 at 4:59 pm
[quote] Exit velocity [/quote] I watch those baseball bat bros videos and even he is surprised at the velocity a lot of times. Like, he'll think it's 110+, then when they check the reading it's like 98. Which tells me, in the moment MOST of those fricking balls look like their moving 120 mph of...
[quote]It's basketball. WGAF[/quote] I care, you rooster licker. Also, 27-24. Go frick yourself..... Roll Tide. ...
I would join a fricking militia and fight our own government before I would fight in some bullshite war in another country for those establishment cock suckers in DC....
[quote]severe binge alcoholism. Following Spurlock's 2017 assertion that he hadn't been "sober for more than a week in three decades,"[/quote] Yep. In the documentary, he tried blaming his ravaged liver on the food, but in reality he was just a severe alcoholic. The documentary was mostly h...
[quote]The theory is that light in the 210-215 nm range will kill pathogens while bouncing harmlessly off human skin.[/quote] Oh ok. I haven't seen them. I honestly had no idea how they even worked. My step dad buys random shite all the time, especially tech stuff. Sometimes it's good and some...
[quote]kill germs?[/quote] How?...
My step dad bought 3 of those UV light germ killer things for the bedrooms. Almost $100 each. Wtf do they even do?...
[quote]Zyn nicotine pouches are the trendy new weight loss hack[/quote] It's probably safer than ooohh ohhh ohhhh ozempic...
Cool, thanks guys :cheers:...

Has anyone been on an Alaskan cruise?

Posted by harmonics on 5/19/24 at 2:12 pm
Did it port in Canada? And if so, did you need a passport? I don't know shite about cruises :lol:...
I'll pick one of the least likely teams to have a dynasty IRL. So probably Tennessee Dammit Kengel :lol:...
[quote]Officer Gillis [/quote] Sleep cop?...
I hear ya, but my brain is basically hardwired at this point to ignore ads, because I am so used to the flashy attention whoring shite on the top, bottom, and side of the screen. Like, on THIS site, I know there are ads around where I am posting and shite, but just tune them out. I know they are th...
They're everywhere. Billboards, Youtube, Facebook, Roku city scrolling screensaver thing, pron sites. But, how often do you see an ad and are like, "frick it, i'll try shite"....
[quote]0x15E[/quote] [quote]So just delete them again[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/R51a8oAH7KwbS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952aql1vrmaurtpcu86y1plxnge3xc5xhkzp5g9f1r5&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
This is how basically every package is handled inside the FedEx and UPS Hubs. Those package handlers don't give a frick about your shite :lol:...
[quote]Imagine having your robot slave woman cheat on you with an AI.[/quote] They made a movie where this happened. That Joaquin Phoenix movie. "Her" I think....