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Location:Baton Rouge
Occupation:Bawspeare, Edgar Allen Peaux
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Registered on:10/22/2010
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re: The Axeman of New Orleans

Posted by fr33manator on 5/16/24 at 9:30 pm
What if the axeman [i]is[/i] the ripper?...

re: Tell me your Cicada stories...

Posted by fr33manator on 5/16/24 at 9:16 pm
I used to gather them (the shells) up by the hundreds as a kid and have set piece battles, creating trenches and terrain and having them Duke it out. Fun times ...

re: Yankee Karen patrolling FL

Posted by fr33manator on 5/16/24 at 9:15 pm
[quote]Buy black water hose. Leave in the sun. Spray the bitch with very hot water every time she steps foot on your property. She’ll stop.[/quote] Don't be so sure. R.I.P. in Peace Big LEE...
[quote]They must be pullin your pork.[/quote] I heard they have beef with the other bbq places. ...
[quote]And that's why shite from Chyna is so cheap. Buncha Chinese baws without shirts making 3.50 an hour just to send it on down the line.[/quote] To the tune of [embed]https://youtu.be/bh7oJ-0oOG8?si=HDr6hq_ltV16Kdh-[/embed] [i]Temu, Fac'try worker Wanna Thank you for your time, You work ...
If corporate America and the uniparty got their way it would look like that here too. ...
[quote]They went from being the literal largest Krewe in Carnival to their membership cut by 2/3rds within a month's time. Then down to basically nothing[/quote] People, and women especially, are such herd animals. It was a stampede ...

re: Bidenomics is paying off

Posted by fr33manator on 5/16/24 at 4:05 pm
[quote]No one has ever argued that food inflation has not occurred over the past few years.[/quote] In fact, it's a good thing! Right? Isn't this how the media's been spinning it? [i]Media: It's not happening Okay, well, it is happening, but not as bad as you think. Okay, it's...
Never make a law that you don't one day want in the hands of your enemies....

re: Red Stick Cannabis Street Fest

Posted by fr33manator on 5/16/24 at 1:34 pm
Guessing this will be more of the stinky blunt than the edible crowd....
[quote]Law enforcement officers are digging up the area to determine what was detected.[/quote] So A woman said something happened in the previous millennia, and cops haven't found shite yet, and it's in Mississippi Got it, Cochise....
If it gets a hold of you, it can be incredibly addictive, especially mentally. It being so readily Available, attractive packaging, legal... Of course, no different from liquor really, and that bottle has gotten a hold of a LOT more people. I oppose this bill on principle, but personally it ...
[quote]All the klan members of the US combined number fewer than the average attendance at a WNBA game[/quote] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/7jax5b.jpg[/img]...
How many pounds of Cajuns does one need for a Cajun boil? Do you purge them first?...
[quote]WTF is a cajun boil?[/quote] Where you boil Cajuns, yeah. I like em spicy, me....