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Location:The Boondocks
Number of Posts:4542
Registered on:10/3/2005
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To me the bigger question is why are you buying a camper? How often will you use it? Unless you are a retiree who will be out seeing the country for at least 3 or 4 months of the year it seems like to me buying a camper is a huge waste of money. More cost effective to rent one every now and then...

re: You know you’re old when…

Posted by Boondock Saint on 5/16/24 at 7:28 am
[quote]You wake up to pee Every fricking night[/quote] I have a variation on this. I actually plan my entire night around not drinking too many fluids so I don't HAVE to get up and pee. I literally have a cutoff time where I say to myself, "no more water for you" My 20 year old self is laughin...
[quote]much better. but, i fear she has dark nipples.[/quote] Why do you fear dark nipples?...
Not Guilty!!!!! [img]https://i.postimg.cc/JnLxCfZk/image.png[/img]...
[quote]When and why did Chrissy Tiegen ever get picked as someone who looks remotely good?[/quote] I think she used to look beautiful. Of course, my wife is from Thailand so I do have a thing for Thai girls..... [img]https://media.gettyimages.com/id/98602679/photo/christine-teigen-sports-illus...
Here's my list: I guess I have extra strong bones.........
frick me. Just imagine the sight of hundreds of nasty, obese, nude 50-80 year olds lining up at the buffet to feed like pigs at a trough.....Some old bastard's balls being dragged through the mashed potatoes.......
[quote]fareplay[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbXhrZ2IwNGhmY2ppNTNhZWJvMzM1NXl6MnN1N21pbzZ6ZXVva21zdSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/10XiFYfOhhFxjW/giphy.gif[/img]...
Well, my dad's a dentist so I guess it's been nice to never pay for teeth cleanings? :dunno: I've never had a cavity so no fillings and his friend, an oral surgeon, took out my wisdom teeth. Come to think of it, he's never actually done any real dental work on me.... ETA: He has prescribed dr...
Me and some random Indian guy who wanted to take a picture with me at the Taj Mahal in India. I don't remember hearing any "Geaux Tigers" that day though.... [img]https://i.postimg.cc/C5CrYm6N/IMG-0529-2.jpg[/img]...
Yes, I did. [quote]How’d it turn out for you?[/quote] Not great. I had a lot of debt to pay off when I started my new job from living off of credit cards for about two months. This was over 20 years ago when I was very young, but I don't recommend doing it. I swore to myself I'd never quit a j...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by Boondock Saint on 4/29/24 at 1:54 pm
[quote]I have[b] prayed over her[/b], medicated her, but it only gets worse and worse.[/quote] Tough situation, but I can tell you what won't work. Prayer. Medication and serious therapy with mental health professionals is what she needs. I have a niece with bipolar disorder and it took a whil...
[quote]she is hooker that plays submissive with an only fans that created a viral video that actually went viral that is a winning lottery ticket for a Ho like this dont be fooled, this whole story is fake and is a click grab[/quote] You are probably right. I was thinking the same thing aft...
[img]https://i.ibb.co/8mnF1f7/Tats.jpg[/img] [link=(https://ibb.co/j897nQr)]Picture of Girl[/link] Here is a link to the story: [link=(https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/woman-said-her-tattoos-got-094523496.html)]Yahoo Story[/link] The first picture they show is just a stock photo. Scroll...
[quote]None. I work in construction with my HANDS. Kneel for the cross and stand for the flag is what we do. Take the dirt road to work and out of work with a tall boy in hand.[/quote] Try that in a small town....

re: RIP Dickie Betts

Posted by Boondock Saint on 4/18/24 at 11:38 am
Jessica was always my favorite Allman Brothers tune. Of course written by Dickey......
[quote]Ghandi[/quote] Did you intentionally misspell Gandhi?? ...
[quote]Divorced twice and never missed a child support payment on them 4 kids(2 each) in 20 years.[/quote] [img]https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/52828986.jpg[/img]...
Got stung by a wasp on the top of my ear. It's such a tiny area there's nowhere for the venom to go. Hurt like a motherfricker and my entire head was pounding for hours......