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Man a lot of Kevin Hart fans on here. Maybe you don't like Rogan or Katt Williams but it's an interesting watch on how comics know the real deal about other comics and how some will do anything , some performers are installed.... Including initiating him by making Kevin Hart wear a dress on TV......
#1 is The Maestro. Because he has the only rentable house in Tuscany. [img]https://y.yarn.co/9c411cd6-899d-4990-b9a1-77795d179b3f_text.gif[/img] [img]https://y.yarn.co/478c347a-1192-4304-b17d-b9e4f44b0bea_text.gif[/img] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-14-2015/iAqU-w.gif[/img] ...
[quote]The WNBA plans to commit $50 million over the next two years [/quote] And yet players and teams are shitting on Caitlin Clark who 100% made this happen. What a confused League....
[quote]Love Parks and Rec, hate Jean Ralphio[/quote] He's the cousin Arnold of modern TV. ...
[quote]CC probably idolized them and looked up to them and likely considered, and considers them heroes. Now she gets to listen to them talk shite because they can't better control their jealousy.[/quote] This is Real Housewives. Maybe its scripted. Make WWE heels against Clark... If not? ...
No sympathy. Europe deserves this. They brought it on themselves. Their leaders betrayed them. Look at the nightmare France has become. ...
[quote]but I’m glad I got to see Sunday silence/easy goer. [/quote] Greatest horse race I ever saw outside of Secretariat's winged victory at the Belmont....
How would he coach when he can't even do it on the floor? Here's the game plan guys, acquiesce to me, diminish you. i'm the anti-Magic. But coach? You ain't on the floor? Shut-up, I'll put my son in....
[quote]They’ve been left behind in the college baseball arms race.[/quote] SoCal use to be basically represented in the Little League World Series every year. Now its Hawaii. SoCal was the hotbed of youth development kinda in the country and the kids stayed local for College. Then Soccer M...
$$$$ He had the cleanest ride in that Cavalry charge. Why risk getting exposed? Owners know they got lucky.....Probably putting him out to stud while the iron is hot. Winning the Derby alone is enough to demand the cash these days....
Diana Taursi's team that nobody watches tweeted out more jealous hate at Caitlin Clark. [quote] We love that our league is growing and that you’re here, but we have 27 years of exceptional women’s basketball history for you to catch up on[/quote]. :rolleyes: I tell you, this league is run b...
I mean it has to be the girl who gets whatever she wants. Nikki She was a Siren, in the words of Homer. Men were seduced by just looking at her and hearing her alluring voice. Movie sold out, ticket no problem. Speeding ticket? No ticket, no problem....
[quote] I agree on Hart,[/quote] He became the biggest comic draw in the world and his shite sucks. What's going on here? I don't think Katt Williams is telling any tales out of school....
Katt.Williams....Well he's always high as a kite but he did expose Oprah and Diddy....and he's, a real comic. Kevin Hart sucks, had no real background, according to comics and others like Joe Rogan explain but suddenly Hart was in Arenas. [img]https://c.tenor.com/E3SGDcyydMMAAAAC/batman-hmm.g...
[quote]Jeff Ross should have been the host of this. Kevin Hart really sucks at roasting.[/quote] I was glad he got a little roasted. If you believe Katt Williams, Kevin Hart is a plant and will say or do anything for the powers that be in Hollywood. ...
[quote]Remember when the PAC 12 used to dominate softball?[/quote] And they weren't all heifers. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.b6cac744d4828634aa657316aea7b972?rik=rlkV4GvtgJaDrQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages.complex.com%2fcomplex%2fimage%2fupload%2fc_limit%2cw_680%2ffl_lossy%2cpg_1%2cq_auto%2fji...
There's another coach of the WNBA (llynx?) bitching now that her team's preseason game wasn't on TV and Clark is getting preferential treatment. Supply and demand dodo bird. These idiots think the rise in popularity of women's basketball is because of them and not the Caitlin Clark effect. Talk...
[quote]Used to be essentially an Omaha lock growing up[/quote] Pretty much CWS appearances... 1975, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2015, 2017...
No show with Andy Dick has the most likeable characters....