Favorite team:US Navy 
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Registered on:9/12/2018
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How long before CNN describes them as White Christian Nationalists and a "threat to democracy" for defending the flag?...
Yes, I get a free meal everyday....
I was told that UH wasn’t getting sued by the NFL...
I like that they actually care about the in-game commentary, I’m going to sink so much time into this game...

re: Next week is gonna be hot

Posted by bad93ex on 5/1/24 at 4:59 pm
Looks like some pool weather...
[quote]Why are we allowing this? I mean at some point this becomes a legal issue and is no longer a protest.[/quote] They get to play by a special set of rules....
Just bring back the Premium McWraps and salads, please....
[quote]Why have churches started allowing gay preachers?[/quote]Their money is just as good as straight people’s...
I've got a lot of family over there and they love them some fried chicken....
[quote]Does wind ever even produce more value than what it costs to implement?[/quote] Don’t worry it is helping out someone’s bank account....
[quote]Baton Rouge has operated like a poorly run whore house for the past 30 years and it's finally biting them in the arse. Citizens of BR have voted for this level of incompetence and get to reap the rewards. They FAFO'd [/quote] These politicians don't give a shite about crime or fostering a b...
[quote]why? My taxes will be raised to cover what St George used to cover [/quote] Time to move...
[quote]A 38-year-old man repeatedly tries to force his wife to have sex in the middle of the night but has no memory of his actions when he wakes up. [/quote] This man is brave speaking out about his affliction....

re: Manor Lords is going to be amazing

Posted by bad93ex on 5/1/24 at 6:20 am
[quote]It’s only like that in the slow speed. I’m also a much more laid back player with these kinds of games. I’m not trying to max anything or make anything perfect just frickin round. [/quote] Played about 4 hours yesterday, messed around with the different speed settings and this game is stup...
[quote]People don’t want it near their neighborhood. I agree. [/quote] Far better than having windmills or solar panels near your neighborhood....
[quote]Taking it off schedule I is the fricking opposite of a nothing burger. It frees up the entire industry to go mainstream with banking. It is enormous and is the biggest development in the marijuana legalization effort's history.[/quote] I'll believe it when I see it...
[quote]However, it would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use.[/quote] Another massive nothing burger....
[quote]I brought the widower neighbor chicken and dumplings and he offered to be the next Mr. Squirrel if something happens to my husband.[/quote] Fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
What are the chances he joins Golden State or Denver?...