Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
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Registered on:3/28/2019
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If this guy was my pastor, I’d find a new church. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMrVQMbWYAAFZUR.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/05/church-community-mourning-death-myrtle-898608753.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2024/05/c...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by GentleJackJones on 5/3/24 at 12:06 pm
[quote]hate the bruins specifically marchand[/quote] Most dislikable guy in hockey? ...

re: Graduation gift for nephew

Posted by GentleJackJones on 5/3/24 at 11:18 am
Go open up an IRA for him. Deposit some money…$1,000 - $2,000. ...
Your continued usage of “denoms” is impressive. ...
[quote]Episcopalians and the Presbyterians, over this and related issues.[/quote] Has it impacted the Presbyterian church? They’re pretty conservative, no? I know that the Episcopal church, while WASP-y, is pretty liberal thinking. Didn’t the Episcopal church have a big split because of this (Ang...
Just fricking legalize it already. I'd rather my kids smoke that as opposed to Delta 8,9, 10, 100, kratom, kava, CBD and whatever else is currently legal....
[quote]one of the clips showed what looked like a 12 year old boy spitting on a body passing him by.[/quote] I don't doubt that, and he was more likely than not a Hamas recruit / militant. Terrorist organizations are known to recruit and utilize young adults. ...
[quote] Im saying those that are choosing (clearly children arent choosing to stay there, that choice is being made for them) to remain need to be assumed to be combatants because theyve chosen to stay regardless of being given ample opportunity to distance themselves from the situation.[/quote] ...
[quote]This is a problem that needs to be eradicated completely. If they focus on just taking out hamas then something else will just spring up in its place.[/quote] So, are you promoting genocide? And if so, is it just Gaza? The Palestinian territories? All Muslim people? [quote]Theyve given ...
Did you gloss over this: [quote]Sadly, Israel can't pinpoint strictly Hamas activists and supporters with flawless precision and accuracy. We also know that Hamas uses innocent civilians as shields and purposefully "camps out" in bunkers of schools, hospitals, and the like. Israel is going to hav...
Both are in the wrong. Hamas, obviously, is [b][i][u]substantially[/u][/i][/b] more in the wrong than Israel, however. Israel didn't ask for this. Hamas invaded them and did some of the most vile, heinous, cruel, and barbaric things imaginable. Israel, in response, is not fricking around. Sadly, Isra...
Huntsville Chattanooga Birmingham Raleigh ...
Not bad. That was a weird few seconds / glazed look, though. [img]https://arc.stimg.co/startribunemedia/6TRAE6HP6RFYNJSMDZMCG26PIE.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces&w=550&&auto=format[/img] [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/alt-copy-1.jpg?w=1000[/img]...

re: Most Southern State

Posted by GentleJackJones on 4/27/24 at 12:36 pm
Tennessee Cotton fields in the west Cumberland plateau in the middle Smoky mountains to the east Mississippi River, Cumberland River, Tennessee River. BBQ, meat and three, hot chicken, Tennessee whiskey and moonshine Country music and bluegrass Elvis Presley/Graceland, The Ryman, T...
[quote]Interesting how they are pretty much in front of Holy Name church, right on the line between Tulane and Loyola. What a bunch of losers.[/quote] What am I missing here?...
[quote]Larry Bird famously said..... (paraphrasing) "I owe it to my team but I owe it to the fans and more importantly to the vendors and concessions workers in Boston Garden because it gives them more money and jobs if we win....so me giving it my all.and winning puts butts in the seats and creat...
I was recently in Frisco for work. I was wanting Mexican or Texas barbecue, but ended up working longer than expected. This was near my hotel, and this is what you want if you’re buying for a chain. I wish BR would get a location . [img]https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thenewstn.com/c...

re: Pig Sandwich (Pork Poboy)

Posted by GentleJackJones on 4/25/24 at 7:03 am
I had some pork po boy equivalent at Memphis in May. It may have been the best po boy that I’ve ever had. The bread resembled Leidenheimer’s, but was buttered and grilled / toasted. The cold, tangy slaw had great crisp and contrast of flavors. The pulled pork was outstanding and the sauce was tangy ...
I'm always embarrassed for people that like them. I mean, it could be worse - a lot worse, but people that wear their t-shirts, put their stickers on their car, etc....:cringe:...

re: Most Appealing US Accent?

Posted by GentleJackJones on 4/23/24 at 9:25 am
Truthfully, probably California. Surprisingly, it’s “balanced’ and neutral. Probably the only thing in the state that is. ...