Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Occupation:Poor dirt farmer
Number of Posts:956
Registered on:8/30/2019
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I'm pretty sure he meant 40 dog years....
[quote]He’s made a life out of grifting this and hasn’t been ostracized as a nut.[/quote] He probaly not a nut. He doesn't appear to believe any part of what he says, just look at his actions and that becomes obvious. He's solely in it for the money, and he's done pretty well for himself. Wh...
People like him because he was anti-covid vax. Half the American population was anti-covid vax. Very few of that 150-million would make a good president....
[quote]This morning, I heard a strange noise. I walked to my living room and there was a woman in a night gown asleep on my floor. [/quote] This may be the Gospel truth but I don't believe it....
[quote]I think that was his 2nd malfunction from a year ago. He has already said he wasn’t running for reelection.[/quote] Oh. My bad. Nevermind, he is fine. Nothing to see here. Move along....
[quote]Only looks like 8,000 lol[/quote] You, my friend, are a idiot. ...
[quote]What were the other things they were showing? That she slightly parked on the grass and bumped a slit fence?[/quote] Sprinkler heads likely crushed. Irrigation repair needed. Been there; done that....
People need to learn you cannot easilÿ read red text on a blue background. White on blue is fine. Yellow on blue is OK. Black on blue, terrible....
They will do nothing to clean up the mess....
I believe the problem is twofold. First, they greatly expanded the curriculums in higher education. Creating courses and degree plans to serve little to no purpose to humanity. Most of this expanded teaching is seemingly geared toward indoctrinating young, impressionable minds. Secondly, they...
How stupid am I? I just now understand why we are trying to keep Russia out of Ukraine. Our elite want Ukraine to look like England, Germany, France and the Netherlands; not like Russia. They want it to look like our southern border, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago....
Based on the debasement of the dollar, the Fed is well on its way to ending itself. ...
[quote]It's the controlled demolition of western society.[/quote] Controlled? I think that's a little generous. ...
The Fourth Turning is nigh. White people cutting their own throats across the globe; others see the blood in the water. Buckle up....
Why would Hamas give up the hostages? Their leaders are raking in billions from our elected heros in DC. As long as we keep paying, they will continue to let their minions and the hostages feel pain....
[quote]Setting it lower than the desired temp Makes it blow colder and thus reach the desired temp sooner.[/quote] This only works if you have a relatively modern unit that will adjust to the demand with a multi-stage compressor and/or a variable speed fan in the air handler. The temperature differ...
If you account for the time value of money, or maybe better describeded as currency devaluation, it's difficult to make a true profit....