Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:LSU Student
Number of Posts:253
Registered on:9/13/2023
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re: I love LSU Football

Posted by LSUGrad2024 on 5/21/24 at 12:39 pm
Football is rabid fandom at its finest. Baseball is mystical. Magical. It's not rabid, it's a marathon that ends in a 500m race. The green fields, the lights, the crack of the bat (or ping in this case). A stare down between pitcher and batter. The lonely outfielder waiting for his moment. It...
[quote]Globe Life Field[/quote] Mimic Maid Park ...

re: Ole Miss 3 @ LSU 9 Final - SECN+

Posted by LSUGrad2024 on 5/18/24 at 2:46 pm
[quote]Please stop, my erection can only get so hard. [/quote] Mine is harder and longer...
[quote]Huge Mary Landrieu arse kisser. [/quote] [quote]Dore was a major supporter of Rick Santorum's 2012 presidential campaign, donating $2.25 million to the Red, White and Blue Fund, Santorum's Super PAC.[6] Dore has given money to both Democrats and Republicans,[8] supporting Bobby Jindal, Cha...
[quote]Any OTers know who owns this bad boy?[/quote] Bill Doré [link=(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Dore)]His Wiki[/link]...
[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMuv2mmYLrHvkzbz3dFACala9dknpBMBrHtu033=s1360-w1360-h1020[/img] My sister lives in Austin, and always complains how bad the Louisiana food is over there. She spotted this today on reddit This Fish Basket was $22.63 (before tax and tip) [link=(ht...
From Wikipedia [quote]Founders Todd Graves and Craig Silvey were studying at different universities when they wrote a plan for a chicken-finger restaurant which Silvey submitted in a business plan-writing course, receiving a C-minus grade. At the time, Graves worked at Guthrie's Chicken Fingers.[...
Does a bear crap in the woods?...
The Little Engine that Could...
[quote]to the actual home of St. George[/quote] [quote]St George was born in Cappadocia, Turkey, around 270AD.[/quote] ...
Angry b/c they're ugly. A tale as old as time. Except these days, we reward and support ugly people....
[quote]is there any evidence of synths on the west coast in the games? I don't remember any [/quote] Nope. But that doesn't mean that they couldn't introduce them. Enough time has passes between Fallout 4 and Fallout TV. It wouldn't be difficult for the newer model of synths to be on the west co...
[quote]Great. More shite like this: [/quote] [img]https://i.giphy.com/QFuBzoQdijNFztFEp6.webp[/img]...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by LSUGrad2024 on 4/29/24 at 11:09 pm
Did you spank her growing up? Maybe she missed out on quality, lesson-filled spankings....
19 and 16. Frick off with arresting for that. Way to bog down our court system for nothing....
[quote]Israel expanding territory for itself and pushing all refugees to the US and Europe. Clap for yourselves, Israel-first cucks.[/quote] The boomers on the PT board love to be cucked by Israel. They first let it happen to their churches/religious theology, now their country ...