Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Interests:All Football, PS4, Fishing
Number of Posts:22720
Registered on:7/8/2008
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[quote] people breathing and watching.[/quote] [img]https://frinkiac.com/gif/S08E02/1197412/1200331.gif?b64lines=VGhhdCdzIG15IGZldGlzaA==[/img]...
[quote]‘The Marvels’ Confirmed As Biggest Box Office Bomb Of 2023[/quote] It wasn't that bad, IMO. [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/035/358/tangled-1.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Thermal fuses are the usual cause on no dryer heat. Parts cheap in Amazon. Will the dryer still turn on? This is a Maytag Bravos XL. Google results have been inconclusive on whether the dryer will turn on or not if the thermal fuse blew.[/quote] Most dryers will still run with therma...
[quote]If we are dealing with the Sixers, I want Maxey. [/quote] Lol....
I'd be interested to see if Atlanta was interest in working around Dejounte Murray for BI with some sort of package around DM and BI being centerpiece. I also would dangle CJ out there to see what could be had. Murray and Herb would make for an interesting backcourt. Start Trey at 3, Zion at...
Thanks for taking the time to do this. Still in a laptop mindset but I'll definitely come back to this if minds can be changed....
[quote]This is largely what is happening. Old coal plants are being retired and replaced with intermittent renewables that are not dispatchable. It largely hasn't affected Louisiana yet but the next step is retirement of natural gas plants if they cannot capture most of their emissions. The old coal...
[quote]Jermaine Jackson got $160K guaranteed[/quote] [img]https://i.discogs.com/HbTaFcR03l_FW0wqwid5eX3N7PAqpTramk14wE5PGkY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:589/w:592/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEyODIw/NjA2LTE1OTE5NjQ5/MDktNjYxMy5qcGVn.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]Think about rolling blackouts. They perform these when the systems are stressed to the max due to demand, weather, combination of both at times, EVEN WITH renewables entering the grid. [/quote] Most times, rolling blackouts have more to do with N-1 scenarios in combination with demand/weat...
Vitoria Justice and sex scene. I may be in. If its a good ole fashioned Spartacus or Banshee type, dirty, sweaty, butt-naked action, sex scene. Not the new age, still wearing underwear except for the dude's penis, sex scene. ...
[quote]It was for me. But the difference is smaller. Three to four is about the same as two to three. [/quote] In fairness, I went from 2 to 4, so maybe I am unqualified to answer about 2 go 3. 2 to 4 was brutal for a while. The adjustment periods came fast and furious. Every new step was a ...
[quote]One to two is easier than zero to one[/quote] True. [quote]Two to three is easier than one to two.[/quote] False....
Non gaming- I have a sister that is looking for a simple machine, just MS office, email, and internet. No gaming. What's a good budget CPU w/ integrated graphics that I can build into a machine totaling about $350. She is saying she wants a laptop but i'm trying to get her to let me build so...
[quote]When they get older, you'll need two hotel rooms or an AirBnB to sleep 5. [/quote] 2 bedroom suites FTW, although they are harder to come by. ...
[quote]I guess the biggest thing with like 10 kids would be transportation [/quote] 5 kids is tough. Imagine vacation. Putting shite on the trailer hitch basket even in a suburban. ...
[quote]I had someone tell me 2 to 3 is harder because "you go from playing man to playing zone" [/quote] frick you man. That shits legit....

re: Worth $15 an hour?

Posted by SaintEB on 5/1/24 at 2:35 pm
[quote]it's 1 Penny or 2 Pennies [/quote] Tell that to the they/them folks. ...
First is obviously tough. Second is easier than the first, but you are still playing man-to-man defense. The third is a huge jump. Made easier when you have one of each already and kept all the stuff. The fourth and fifth are nothing now because you have been playing zone defense for a bi...

re: Worth $15 an hour?

Posted by SaintEB on 5/1/24 at 2:30 pm
[quote]they dont teach basic math [/quote] Debatable [quote] they took out Jesus...[/quote] Truth. [quote] dont learn cursive either[/quote] Accurate. [quote]mexicans are taking all the good jobs[/quote] I lost my job to a Mexican, but it sucked, so false. ...

re: Worth $15 an hour?

Posted by SaintEB on 5/1/24 at 2:28 pm
[quote] unless you're retarded.[/quote] Don't use the R-word, bro. ...