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Registered on:8/21/2013
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Most of the Doc Hollywood Cast was pretty bad. Forest Gump was pretty bad as well....
You may not like Nikki Haley, DeSantis, Tim Scott or who whoever is on your shite-list but if you are a Trump supporter then you need to get behind his VP choice. Most VP picks are not really relevant but Trump needs someone who had a strong bases and is a good campaigner. ...
Hard Pass... The cast was perfect and I don't think they could redo this with a new group. ...
Tim Colceri was replace by R. Lee Ermey for the role of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket. As a consolation, he was given the role of the door gunner who uttered the much-quoted lines "Get some!" I couldn't see anyone better cast for Hartman. Perfect....
A few thousand lit at once would clear the place [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moIquBvIpF8[/embed]...
Money...NASA has a limited budget and they've been focusing on the new Artemis Program as returning to the Moon and eventually Mars is a big focus right now. NASA needs more funding because the Chinese are full on wither their Space Program...
[quote]Yep, mediocre looks and a pi&$ poor actress.[/quote] Any other time you're probably right but she was perfect as Leia. ...
Russell Crowe in Les Miserables. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique ...
I'm no fan of CNN but they do Science and Technology really well. I was finally able to watch the 4 part Documentary of The Columbia disaster and it will probably leave you a little pissed off at the arrogance and hubris of NASA managers that ignored (or swept under the rug) obvious signs the Shutt...
Wolfgang Petersen Poseidon Adventure in 1972 and Poseidon in 2006 ...
[quote] Princess Leia Organa: Carrie Fischer. Always thought they could have done a lot better than Carrie. Maybe not a mis-cast, but a "could have done better cast."[/quote] you may set a record for down votes...
[quote] quote: Ok..How do you imbed Youtube in here? click <> located below img and above B. Paste your link there.[/quote] Thanks....Now [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfV4QbPjMnE[/embed]...
Jared Leto was a terrible Joker Not too thrilled about Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn from what I've seen in the Trailer...
Michael Gambon as Dumbledore Solid actor, but Richard Harris nailed the role for those that read the books. He just didn't quite stick the landing with this character....
John Wayne as Genghis Khan in The Conqueror [img]https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2E9G34D/the-conqueror-1956-rko-radio-pictures-film-with-john-wayne-as-genghis-khan-2E9G34D.jpg[/img]...
Simple thread. Here's a few to start: Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther (Batman vs Superman) Denise Richards as Christmas Jones (The World is Not Enough)...