Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Plodding my way through life
Occupation:Graduated 1984
Number of Posts:10342
Registered on:11/4/2007
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That's just sad. I mean really sad....

re: Is the OT currently pro or anti-cat?

Posted by Chrome on 5/13/24 at 6:21 pm
I've owned both cats and dogs and I like both. If you want a pet who pretty much takes care of itself get a cat. If you want a pet who totally loves you and trainable get a dog....
[quote]I think he’s pretty based.[/quote] Probably is now....
[quote]Just when I doubt the future of this country young people like this change my mind[/quote] Hopefully the young are realizing that they have no future down the democratic path....
Jeff Wickersham. Definitely reaching deep into the hat to pull that one out ...
[quote] man shitting in the bushes off the Michoud Exit while his wife brings him something to wipe with.[/quote] That's true love that you'll never see in the movies....
When you see it on a daily basis you have to be discouraged to your core....
[quote]It’s not for us…it’s for the Louisianaians[/quote] We appreciate you for it. When they build one in Louisiana expect the end of the world....
COVID is over, don't need to do that "social distancing" bullshite....
[quote]Will it open up the 10m band propagation?[/quote] Isn't that band kind of static laden this time of year?...
[quote]1 because we all know about all those opportunities in Vermont[/quote] I probably would be the #1 alcohol consumer in that state. Wonder if they have any maple based whiskey. ...
So when will Astra start promoting an antivaccine vaccine ? Pharma will always come up with a new drug for a problem, even if they are the ones who started it....
[quote]t's all a disguise. What they are really testing are these fake people as robots and using all of this testing to build millions of Soldier Robots.[/quote] Starting to look like a cheesy sci-fi movie I grew up with in the 60's...

re: Is this Woman trolling

Posted by Chrome on 5/7/24 at 8:52 am
Wonder what drugs her doctor has prescribed for her, because they are kicking in bigly....
[quote]These people are not only mental ill but completely ignorant about what they believe and talk about.[/quote] I've come to realize they are just dumb parrots repeating what they are told....
This is what happens when you abandon God. It's going to get way worse....
Do they even have an inkling of how much tonnage per day is handled by the railroad? ...
[quote]2. Grades of steak. Premium, Prime, Platinum, Choice?? Just describe it like lumber Grade #1 or #2 or #3 or A, B, C etc.[/quote] Doesn't matter, which ever one you like the best. ...

re: Rich White People?

Posted by Chrome on 5/2/24 at 7:07 am
The more Broome tries to shine a light about how awful this split is the more people will come to know that BR schools suck and the parents wanted better for their kids. They can try and twist this about wealthy vs poor but it's more about leaving a failed system. The left don't want other areas i...
Damn, I did my part just can't outdo the cheese heads. :casty:...