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[quote] [quote] Anything else? [/quote]Nope [/quote] Okay, so they when you whine that Mike Johnson needs to "do something" about the Alvin Bragg prosecution you mean write a letter?...
[quote]At a minimum another strongly worded letter like always[/quote] Anything else? Here's your shot to step up and tell everyone what you think the Speaker of the House should do about a state prosecution. [quote]When it comes to anything wrong with the world what do you want Orange to do?...
Okay, but what is that you think Mike Johnson can/should do?...
[quote]And where is Speaker Johnson in all of this?[/quote] And what is it that you think Mike Johnson can/should do?...
[quote]Give me your best juxtaposition on both. [/quote] If Netanyahu were an American politician he would be a Republican. If Zelinski were an American politician he would be a Social Democrat (and a member of the Squad)...
[quote]What’s the quid pro quo part?[/quote] [embed]https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1788660367343677635/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788660367343677635%7Ctwgr%5Ee0874c4f0c49cb38dc501acb6ac9d5c9da308efb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tigerdropping...
[img]https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780615257815-us.jpg[/img] WTF is that?...
And he was tapping a young Mary Landrieu back in the day.......
[quote]We’re getting dangerously close to becoming Gilead[/quote] Nice reference! [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_33MAIPA4kEI/TCLuP1WO7VI/AAAAAAAAAIw/GowqE9kAH1Y/s200/Rolandrose.jpeg[/img] ...
[quote]0% of plumbers have a negative ROI on their OJT.[/quote] It reminds me of the old joke about a lawyer looking at a plumbers bill and commenting that the plumbers hourly rate was higher than his. The plumber respond that his hourly rate was lower back when he when was practicing law too....
I thought the Bee only did satire?...
[quote]Soon some of the Maga extremists will be calling on him to be Trump's VP.[/quote] That's no crazier than calling for Tulsi Gabbard to be his VP pick........
[quote]So you say he had… different strokes from what people normally have? Watchu talkin bout, Fani Willis[/quote] If John Fetterman were black (sorry, I mean Black) he would look like this: [img]https://static01.nyt.com/images/2010/05/28/arts/coleman1/coleman1-articleInline.jpg?quality=75...
[link=(https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/07/sen_fetterman_im_a_senator_and_im_not_exactly_sure_what_trumps_trials_are_about.html)]Real Clear Politics[/link] I know strokes impact people differently... but damn!...
[quote]Given that his father and uncle were murdered by the CIA and he wrote “The Real Anthony Fauci” that also exposed the intelligence agencies for what genocidal scumbags they are, this allegation is absurd. [/quote] This. ...
Alexander Vindmann's brother????...
[quote]Can you name a better candidate?[/quote] Yes: James Woods....