Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:New Orleans
Number of Posts:140
Registered on:7/12/2020
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If these boys could read English they'd be very upset with this thread....
The housing ponzi scheme is not sustainable....
[quote]Why do we waste so much attention & money on Israel [/quote] The Jewish interests in charge of Israel own USA Inc....
[quote]Your incompetence at starting this thread without context earned you every downvote you got. [/quote] It is not my job to insure the possession of critical thinking skills....
[quote]Post less.[/quote] My apologies for having a life outside of the internet, unlike Ag Zwin....
[quote]He's probably referring to the rushed bill that passed that both democrats and Republicans voted for that make criticizing the Israel government illegal. [/quote] Correct....
and the "Conservatives" are cheering for its' demise, all because the "Chosen Ones" they've been indoctrinated to revere all their lives are in trouble. God help our United States from the Uniparty and its' puppets. :usa:...
[quote]I’ve looked up several of these people[/quote] [quote]8:53 am[/quote] [quote]OP at 8:40 am[/quote] You work very quickly....
[quote]They should do this for all of these protests.[/quote] Even more members of the general public would begin to realize that it's just the same few dozen people at every single one of these protests....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by Frank Belavis on 4/27/24 at 7:51 pm
[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/79/Mason_Lohrei_Boston_Bruins_2023.jpg[/img] Mason Lohrei First player born in Louisiana to play in an NHL postseason game....
Stereotypes once again coming to life: Ohtani, the obsessive Asian gambler....
90% of the population of Canada lives geographically south of Maine. Speaking of Canada, downtown Detroit is north of the Canadian border....
[quote] “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”[/quote] Extremely wise words. When the "majority" is Atheist in some capacity, neither the color nor the ethnic background of the constituents will matter; the Nation i...
[quote]Hopefully this ends her career.[/quote] It won't. Her poor staff treatment is already a very open secret....
[quote]Sorry but Hamas has did this to themselves.[/quote] They never asked for this particular sect of European-descended peoples, the only sect of Europeans of which colonialism is for some unknown reason completely acceptable in the eyes of the West, to kick them out of their homes and abuse the...

re: Do these look like US weapons?

Posted by Frank Belavis on 10/8/23 at 8:39 am
There is no doubt that the Taliban is sharing its' newfound wealth....
So that we may one day observe horrors beyond our human comprehension....